20. Dream

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In a dark hospital room in London, a lone man lay on the bed. With his eyes shut, unable to move, feeling completely weak, his mind roamed free. Not knowing what had happened, dreams started to appear in his mind. The next thing he knew, he was a little boy again, wandering around the streets of London.

All dirty with nowhere to go, a young Jack sat helplessly on the ground. His stomach growling, he stood back up again in search of food. Rummaging through the bins, he managed to find an apple that had been carelessly thrown out. Proud of his findings, he scurried to see what else he could do. Running and not seeing where he was going, he bumped into a tall man holding a chimney sweep.

"Sorry sir." He mumbled as he hurried to pick the apple that he had dropped from the ground

"Oh who have we got 'ere?" The man said


"What's your name kid?"

"Jack sir. Just Jack."

"Well Jack-Sir-Just-Jack the name is Bert" he laughed "You look awfully hungry. Got any place to go?"

"No sir."

"Come along then. That apple looks rotten, I'll give you something better to eat."

As if travelling through time, Jack found himself following Bert around. This time, he seemed much older, definitely in his teenaged years.

"Bert, where we going?" Jack asked, clearly fed up with walking

"Don't be like that" Bert ruffled his head "I've got a job for you, I think you might like it"

"But I like being a chimney sweep"

"Oh I know ya do but I think this one will suit ya much better"


"Look over there" Bert pointed "those are lamplighters"


"Course, or leeries as they call themselves."

"So am I going to be a lamplighter...?"

"If you want to that is. Wanna give it a shot?"

"Why not."

Jack smiled to himself. Though a distant memory it was still vivid in his mind. In this really long dream, he knew it was something he didn't want to wake up from. Suddenly, he was whisked away again but this time backwards as much younger boy.

Running out of what seemed to be his home, Young Jack skipped through the park, playing around with a small pebble he had found. Left, right and centre, he soon made his way to Cherry Tree Lane. Stopping, his eyes went straight towards a small family who were walking towards the park. Following them eagerly, he watched them begin to play happily with each other.

Blinking, the family seemed to age in front of him. He was no longer a four year old boy but now around the age of 9. Confused by the time in his dream, he decided to shrug it off because it was a dream anyways.

"Hey." A young girl spoke

"Ah!" He yelped in surprise

"Pardon. Did I scare you?" She asked

"Uh... no?"

"Oh good" she giggled "my name is Jane!"


"Yes! Jane Banks! And that over there is my brother, Michael. Do you want to play with us?"


"Hooray! So what's your name?"


"Come on then Jack!"

Without knowing it, he was soon kicking a ball with the brother and sister duo. Not realising how much fun he was having.

"Jane! Michael! Time for dinner!" A voice so familiar yet unfamiliar called out

"Coming!" Jane replied "We have to go now, our nanny is calling us."

"Nanny...?" He mumbled

"Yes. She's really nice you know but she can be a little bossy sometimes" Michael pouted

"Mhm! But we do have the most fun with her!" Jane giggled

"Jane? Michael?" The voice called out again "there you are! Now hurry inside and don't forget to wash your hands."

"Yes." They giggled before running "bye Jack!"

Looking up at her, Jack blinked in confusion but was immediately whisked away once again. Oh come on, he thought frustratedly.

This time, he was an adult. Cycling through the streets humming to himself happily. This time, this dream was much more vivid and clearer in his mind. As if he remembered exactly what was going to happen. Arriving at Cherry Tree Lane, Jack looked up at house 17 and smiled to himself. There, he saw the silhouette of a beautiful figure.

"Morning, Mary Poppins! How're ya today?"

"Feeling well and yourself?"

"Same old same old!" He grinned

"Here to see Jane I'm presuming?"

"Uh..." he scratched his head "actually no..."

"Oh then what brings you here?"

"I was actually here to see you" his smile beaming from ear to ear

"Why's that?"

"No reason" he continued to scratch his head in embarrassment "you busy?"

"Not at all"

"Up for a walk?" He asked

"Let's go then"

A warm fuzzy feeling swallowed him whole. Even though it was a dream he knew this exact moment. The moment he had fallen in love with the world's most perfect woman. He couldn't pinpoint the exact moment he had fallen in love but it was at that moment when he realised. Mary Poppins, he thought.

Suddenly, a swarm of all their memories filled his mind. Dream after dream, all the beautiful moments he spent with her came rushing in. He wanted to hold her in his arms, hear her laugh, see her dramatic eye rolls, taste her cooking and smell her scent once again. Everything about her made him happy, he wanted to see her. A voice suddenly called out to him. Her voice, calling out his name. The sensation of falling in love with her sent out a signal in his body. As if his body was finally able to react to his heart.

His heart began to beat faster as he lay completely still on that hospital bed. The nurse there noticed from the corner of her eye, a small twitch of his fingers. Jolting up, she dashed off to find the doctor. Meanwhile, Jack began to smile very slightly as remembered the name Mary Poppins.

20 chapters!! I just wanted to say thank you for reading! I greatly appreciate it!

As I write this chapter, I had only published chapter 7... woah! Which was May 26?

I'm on a roll with this book lol I've never been so dedicated to something before ~

I hope you enjoy this book as much as I do! Please give back some feedback because that's the only way I can improve~! Thank you!

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