4. Visitation

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Summer soon turned to Autumn and the breeze became colder and colder. Outside, leaves began to fall and change colour. Raking up the leaves outside, the siblings created a huge pile in the centre of the garden.

"Wanna dive into it?" Georgie asked with a slight smirk

"We're gonna create a mess again" Annabel complained

"We could always sweep it back up, plus we never get to do this back home" Georgie complained

"Yeah, seems fun" John agreed

"Well it does seem fun..." Annabel contemplated "why not" she shrugged with a smile

"Yahoo!" Georgie cheered, punching the air with his fists

Stepping back, Georgie stared at the piles of leaves with a look of a determination.

"Ready, set... go!" John shouted

Immediately, John raced towards, diving head first into the pile of leaves. With the leaves scattering all around, Georgie sat up full of laughter.

"My turn!" John shouted out as Georgie collected all the leaves

Heading straight towards the pile, John crashes into Georgie causing Annabel to gasp. The two boys looked at each other before bursting into fits of laughter. From the kitchen window, Mary Poppins laughed too as she watched them fix the pile and collapse into it.

"Your turn Annabel!" Georgie shouted

"Alright" Annabel grinned before taking off

Using the pile as her crash mat, her two brothers quickly ran after her and crashed into the pile as well.

"Ouch!" Annabel groaned with a smile

"Sorry" Georgie laughed

"My! That looks fun" just then, an unfamiliar yet familiar voice spoke to them

Getting out, they turned to look where the voice was coming from. Their grins quickly turned into shock and then into a big smile.

"Jack!" They screamed so loud you'd think the whole of England could hear them

"Hello there!" He stepped back as he was devoured by their hugs

"What are you doing here?" Annabel asked

"Well, after sending you the letter I made it my business to find free time and visit you all! With the help of the address on the letter, it was pretty easy" he winked

"That's amazing!" Georgie exclaimed happily "come inside! Mary Poppins would be glad to see you!"

"I do hope so" he smiled

"Don't worry!" John pushed him in "she'd love it"

Mary Poppins had heard their loud commotion from inside the kitchen and was pretty shocked to hear the words Jack shake the entire building. Somewhat nervous, her heart started to flutter as she awaited for them to enter. The sounds of footsteps got louder and soon, they were all wiping their feet before entering.

"What a huge house! It looked smaller on the outside..." Jack said in awe

"She's in the kitchen!" Quickly pushing him, his smile widened as he saw Mary Poppins wiping her hand with a kitchen towel

"Mary Poppins!" He exclaimed

"Jack! Lovely to see you again" all emotions left her as she completely ignored her pumping heart

"Lovely indeed! What a pleasant place this is!"

"Why thank you" Mary Poppins smiled "care for some tea? You've travelled a long way"

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