25. Mother

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Months flew by and the war was beginning to get worse. Listening to the radio, Mary Poppins shook her head thinking about it. Out the window, the Banks' continued to play out in the garden as she prepared lunch for them. It was the peak of summer and for once, it was a lovely sunny day.

Annabel, John and Georgie piled in one by one, washing their hands before settling at the table. In silence, the sounds of the reporter through the radio could only be heard. Annabel looked at her brothers in worry. Noticing, Mary Poppins switched the radio off.

"Let's not listen to that, shall we?"

"Good idea" John nodded

"Will the war reach here?" Georgie asked

"No, Georgie. No it will not."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." Annabel spoke up "we're far away from there!"

"But how come we had to leave our home then? Why are there soldiers all over London?"

Nobody knew how to reply. After all, it wasn't like they could predict the future and they didn't want to scare Georgie by telling the truth. So in silence they continued to sit.

"Have you heard from father, Mary Poppins?" Annabel asked, trying to change the subject

"Yes actually. They sent me a letter. Seems like things are normal up there and Jack is back working."

"That's great!" Annabel grinned "I can't wait to see them all again! It's been around 4 months!"

"Nearing 5 actually" John pitched in

"Indeed." Mary Poppins smiled as she stood up to put the dishes away

"No no! You need to rest! We'll do it!" Annabel shot up from her seat to lead Mary Poppins away from the kitchen

She was nearly due and the children were worried she would explode at any time. Busting themselves in the kitchen, Mary could only watch and smile. They had grown so much over the past few months and even the many years she had known them. They were exactly like Jane and Michael when they were younger. Only able to reminisce the past, she soon dozed off to her own world of dreams.

The children have gotten quite accustomed to the place and surprisingly, are liking it more than the hustle and bustle of city life. For once, they let go of their maturity and played in the meadows. Letting the dirt rub into their attires, not worrying about Mary Poppins who will probably scold them later anyway. Despite their grown playfulness, they knew that it was now their turn to be the nanny. In a couple of months, there will be a new child and of course they'd love to take care of them. Thinking about it made their stomachs go all a flutter.

On a hot summers day, the three fussed around in the kitchen. Mary Poppins continued to sit on a rocking chair listening to the chaos, trying not to imagine what kind of mess they were making.

"Georgie!" Annabel hissed "you're doing it all wrong!"

"No I'm not! It says it right there on the recipe!" Georgie pointed at the cookbook "add two eggs!"

"Yeah we know that! But you put in three!" Annabel growled

"We'll have to double the portion!" John complained

"How hard is it to make pancakes, honestly" Annabel rolled her eyes

"Sorry..." Georgie mumbled

"Need any help in there?" Mary Poppins called out from the living room

"No! We're perfectly fine!" They echoed

"Ah, perfectly fine is it?" Mary Poppins laughed to herself "I do hope so"

Moments passed and breakfast was finally served. Delicious pancakes with butter and a glass of milk lay waiting on the table.

"Oh how delicious!" Mary Poppins smiled

"Taste it! How is it!?"

Cutting the pancake in her usually elegant manner, the children held their breath as they waited for her response.


"Yay!" They celebrated in relief

Just then, a sudden stab hit her stomach. Wincing in pain, Mary Poppins took in a deep breath before releasing.

"Are you okay?" Annabel asked with concern

"Yes... just a kick"

"Really? Are you sure?"

"Yes, now eat your breakfast"

Taking her word for it, they continued to eat. The sharp pains didn't return until after breakfast. Sitting on the sofa with her eyes closed tight, she rubbed her belly. It can't be, can it?

Her due date was nearing and there was a possibility that the baby could come out early. The sharp pains began to continue more often, in few minute intervals. Realising that it could be the real thing, Mary Poppins sat up as if nothing was the matter and entered her bedroom.

Roaming around, she began to pack baby items as well as her own clothes. Pausing every now and then, she was soon done. As she completed her packing, she felt a wet trickle come down her leg. Sighing, she hurried and made her way to the bathroom. Her water broke.

"Annabel?" She called out

Annabel who was in the next room immediately came to her aid.


"My water just broke, I'll need you to ring the hospital and same I'm on my way."

"Oh goodness! On it!" With that, she sped down the stairs yelling at her brothers.

Without a moment to waste, the crew found themselves dashing to the hospital. Mary Poppins insisted she was fine on walking even though neighbours offered to drive her. With the two boys carrying the bag, Annabel walked alongside Mary Poppins as they travelled to the nearby hospital.

Once accepted in the hospital, the two boys waited out in the waiting room while Annabel stayed with Mary Poppins.

"Are you okay?" Annabel continued to ask

"Yes... I did used to think women were strong but experiencing the pain for myself... I think they're stronger than people say they are"

"Mhm... they carry children for nine months and then have to go through the pain of delivering it" Annabel nodded "I can't wait to be a mother too! It's a magical thing."

"Indeed it is and you will make a great mother"

"So will you, I know it! And Jack will be a great father! John has just gave them a call so they'll be here in the next day"

"Thank you, Annabel dear"

Just then, a nurse entered the room to check how dilated she was. 7cm. Nearly there. An hour passed by and the nurse and doctor returned with good news.

"Alright, Ms Poppins. You're at 10cm and we're going to be ready to push now." The Doctor said

Squeezing her hand, Annabel held her breath as if she was going to be pushing for her. Only few words could describe the entire process. Short and intense. Despite the pushing and serious faces all around, Mary Poppins continued to look perfectly perfect in every way.

Just then, the sound of a gentle cry echoed the hospital room. Gasping, tears filling her eyes, Mary Poppins soon found a small crying bundle of joy in her arms.

"Congratulations, Ms. Poppins. It's a baby girl."

As I post this I'm number 1 on Mary Poppins and Emily Blunt! Yay! Thank you~!

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