Chapter 10

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Harry went to the common room and presented the egg  and all his friends cheered.  He asked "Do you want me to open the egg." Ron said "Yeah go on mate see what the next challenge is." Harry opened the egg and a loud noise screech. Harry's sensitive ears yelled and so did everyone elses. Dean said "Wow that's a big noise." Harry replied "What did you say?" Hermione rushed over and said "Harry can you hear me?" Harry replied "Huh what did you say?" Hermione rushed Harry to the medical wing. 

She said to Poppy "Madam Pomfrey, I think something is wrong with Harry. He opened the egg and a loud screech came out of it and our ears were fine, but I think Harry's ears were too sensitive and it has made him temporary deaf." Poppy said "Oh dear I will have to have a look, hold him steady." Poppy used her wand and pointed it at his ear and had a look inside. Harry could tell something was wrong because he didn't hear anything. His animal was not amused, Harry tried to keep his animal at bay but nothing worked. It decided to make an appearance he asked "Why are you checking my ear?" Poppy was taken back at Harry's appearance  and she calmly said "You weren't hearing properly,  I was doing a spell to find out why." Harry replied "Oh I see it was because of that damn egg it made a screech and made my ears sore, can you please sort it out." Poppy did a spell she asked "How does that feel?" Harry said "much better." then reverted back to the young wizard self.  Harry replied "Sorry about that, I don't know why he decided to show himself."  

Poppy explained why he was in the hospital wing and said "You do have your Creature Inheritance, didn't realise it would be a Jackal, you have a rare dog on your hand, how have you been controlling him?" Harry said "Well at night I have been talking to my great grandfather Merlin." Poppy was extremely shocked "Okay that reveals too much information I really didn't want to know, at least I know why Albus has been so different these past day." Harry said "You have noticed that as well. Do you know why he's been acting different?" Poppy said "Well as Headmaster explained he has a power to sense the castle and everyone around but since you arrived this year he can't sense anything new about you and he's worried that the castle might think you are it's rightful owner." Harry was more shocked and asked "Do you think I need to come clean and show him my Creature?" Poppy replied "No not yet if people known you are a Jackal then you won't be able to compete in the competition." Hermione said "You are a Jackal, that's typical Harry Potter get the coolest Creature in history." Harry went guilty he forgot that Hermione  got him to the Hospital Wing. He smiled "Yeah, you and Poppy are the first people in the school to find out the truth about me. Please keep this a secret until I am ready."

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