Chapter 26

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Harry's Creature could sense something wasn't right about Moody. His breath was really odd and he was scared so his Creature used his powers and spoke to Snape. The creature asked him to bring the truth serum and Dumbledore. Moody asked, "What was it like to meet Voldemort alive again?" Harry replied honestly, "It was scary. But why do you care? You are an Auror, don't you despise dark wizards?" Moody said, "Yeah, but they act so powerful and magnificent."  Then suddenly McGonagal, Snape and Dumbledore barged in the door, disarmed Moody and made him drink the truth serum. Dumbledore asked "Do you know who I am?" Moody said, "Yeah Albus Dumbledore." Snape asked, "Are you Alistor Moody?" Moody replied, "No." McGonagal asked, "Is he in this room?" and Moody's head turned to a strange box. Cautiously, Dumbledore opened the box and found the real Alistor Moody alive inside. Suddenly the fake Moody started to twitch and revealed himself as Barty Crouch JR.

Dumbledore said to Snape, "Send an owl to Azkaban. I believe they are missing a prisoner." Barty said, "I will be welcomed back as a hero." Everyone left the classroom and headed to the main hall. Dumbledore did a speech and told everyone you-know-who has returned and how Cedric was a brave student. Harry liked his speech and headed back to his room and packed for going home Ron said, "Well we've finished another year." Harry replied, "Yeah, and now Voldemort is alive, I've got to prepare myself." Ron said, "Yeah mate, you okay? You've been acting differently and your body language says you're hiding something." Harry said, "Yeah I am great. Actually, during the holidays could you and Hermione come to my house. I've got something to say to both of you."  Ron nodded, "Yeah sure mate, won't your cousins mind?" Harry giggled inside his head and tried not to laugh, "Yeah sure it will be fine." 

 Everyone headed onto the train and returned to King's Cross Station. Harry climbed aboard and went on his way back home to four Private Drive. Once there, he unpacked his stuff  and made dinner and studied what he was going to learn in his fifth year, then there was a knock at the door. 'Who could this be?' He thought, and he opened the door to find Griphook. He said, "Sorry to pop by unannounced, but I have a new letter for you." Harry was confused. It wasn't his birthday yet. He opened the letter. It was from James he said: 

Dear Harry, Hope you had a great year. When I was in fourth year, I found out about how interesting Tom really is. I wish I could tell you in person but inside the letter has a memory you can see for yourself and see how wonderful Tom really is and how he acted so mean and hated Muggle borns but it wasn't his fault. From James . Harry read the letter twice and took out the vial of liquid in a bottle. He asked Griphook, "What is this?" Griphook said, "They are Memorises they show people what happened in the past."

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