Chapter 45

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Lucius summoned Peter and asked "You said James was never at the meetings?" Peter said "Well he wasn't until I discovered that night that Tom and James were talking and I was jealous." Tom asked "Do you know where James is?" Peter replied "You sent a patronus to Lily and James, if I remember Lily went to find Horace and James went into to woods and turned into his animagus." Tom was over the moon and said "That means he's a stag in the wild I just need to turn into my animagus my doe and I'll find him." Lilly said "Wow, you have a doe I have a goldfish now." Horace said "Mine is a goldfish as well." Lilly said "Cool I got a white head." Horace said "I got an orange head." Harry replied "That should be easy to tell you apart." Severus asked "Should we ask a centaur  if he's seen an odd stag acting differently?" Tom said "Great idea." They all went to the forbidden forest and called for a centaur. The head centaur Firenze appeared he asked "Yes wizards how can I help you?"  Tom bravely stepped forward and asked "Is their a stag among you that doesn't belong?" Firenze said "Yes he's been here for a while is this war truly over." Tom said "Yes our son has found the way of peace and castle returned to Camelot."  Firenze replied "Mine and James prophecy has come true?" Tom said "Yes that's correct everything is as it should be." Dumbledore said "Hogwarts was meant to be Camelot and I denied it to happen now it finally has everyone that should be there, that will be great and no dark evil." Firenze said "That's correct headmaster enjoy your new castle." A stag wandered over and turned into a wizard and said "Tom after all these years our vision has come true." Tom rushed over to the wizard and said "Yes James everyone can be out of hiding, we are free." They both kissed and the whole castle changed into a more elegant castle all the parents wandered outside and looked at the castle. Vernon said "This castle now looks like Camelot and Harry your new attire is beautiful." Harry was surprised and Albus looked at Harry and asked "When did you change?" Harry said "When all portraits were untied we got their original clothes." Albus was surprised and said "Well it's official any muggle or wizards can finally see the castle as it is." Severus said "Wow peace has come to the land, wizards don't need to be in hiding exactly what Arthur and Merlin wanted."
Then four ghosts appeared and said "Congratulations this castle is back to normal." Dumbledore couldn't believe his eyes and neither could any of the parents. Lily rushed over to Petunia and asked "What do you think of the school?" Petunia said "It's more beautiful than ever now that every muggle and wizard can see the school." Dumbledore asked "Is our founders ghost as well?" Merlin said "Yes, now the school is back to normal all founders will appear." Then suddenly all four founders appear Godric said "Well done Merlin you finally found a grandson to change the castle for the better." Salazar said "I think this castle going to be alright." Helga said "A bright new day can't wait to meet my Hufflepuffs and the queen." Rowena said "I told you Godric that a Ravenclaw was an Arthur all this time." Godric grumbled "I was hopping for a Slytherin it would be more funny." Salazar "Who knows, maybe future generations?" James wandered to Severus and said "Thanks for looking after my son." Severus said "I'll always protect him." Harry said "Sorry that he's my Sphinx and he's perfect." James said "I couldn't ask for more a perfect son in law and grandson or daughter in the future." Harry gulped and asked "Do I have your genes, so that can happen?" James said "Yes that's correct." Severus couldn't believe his ears and looked at his husband and said "Who knows what the future will bring."
Everyone went inside the castle and had a massive celebration.

A/N Do you want a future chapter where it goes ten years and shows Harry and Severus with a child of there own? it's up to you.
A/N thank for all the comments there is going to be one final chapter it's like the aftermath it shows you what happens in the future.

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