Part Three : There She Goes Again

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Uhh ... Ohh ...
I look like a joke !
Megharleen found herself staring at her reflection once more. To her, the appearance seemed twice as terrifying compared to her appearance before getting ready.
Her high ponytail was all too curly and the stray curls which had escaped her hairtie were drifting about her face. Her face didn't look as tired as before due to the lined eyes and buttered lips.
Ohh ... Well, this must do, I guess. What would papa and momma say ?
After a split second ...
Never mind I guess ... ?
'Megharleen !'
A shrill scream cut into her thoughts. Megharleen called back.
'Yes, momma ?'
'Aren't you done yet ? We're running late !'
'All done momma !'
Megharleen dashed downstairs and out to the car before her mother could yell more. She had just seated herself when her phone buzzed.
You've used 80% of your data.
Oops !
Ohh well, if it gets exhausted I suppose Thalia will let me on the WiFi password.
Megharleen adjusted herself in the seat and quietly looked out the window. It looked as if she was wondering about the outside world but reality was something different.
What in the world is he upto ?
I wonder if the film's over. He'll text, probably.
This is odd, why am I so fond of him? He scared the daylights outta me that evening !
Megharleen lost concentration on her thoughts as an advertisement caught her attention.
Cristiano Ronaldo.
Anthony loves football !
Unexpectedly, her cheeks flushed and she tried to cover it up. However, it was in vain - she couldn't stop flushing and a smile found its way to her lips.
She would not admit but Anthony was the main reason for her smiles since the Christmas holidays had begun. He was nothing like her; he was funny and perverted but lively and flirty, not to mention friendly. One of the few she could consider as a lifeline.
'Meg ? We're here.'
Her mother's voice cut into her thoughts again.
Megharleen quietly stepped out of the car, a basket of goodies in her arms.
Here we go !
She gently pressed the doorbell of the house, and heard excited screams of two young voices as footsteps neared the door.
The door was thrown open by a young girl. She was smiling ear to ear, her dimples showing. Her younger brother was behind her, smiling shyly over her shoulder, only to break into a run a split second later.
Megharleen smiled down at the grey eyes which were looking at her
'Merry Christmas in advance.'
A pair of small hands held themselves out to take the pretty basket from Megharleen's outstretched hands.
'Do come in, Harley.'
Megharleen stepped over the threshold, only to find herself being whisked away by Thalia to her bedroom.
A buzz from her phone made her pull it out of her pocket.
Ohh crap.
You've exhausted your data plan for the day.
'Thalia, could you please let me on the WiFi password ?'

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