Part Eleven : Turning Back The 'Turned' Tables

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Megharleen led Anthony away her house and towards the park, careful to not look at him till they were seated away from prying eyes. She was aware of Valentin's eyes on their retreating figures and hoped he would not sell her out to their parents. At the same time, she was surprised and overjoyed about the fact Anthony had come to see her. She could not think of why he had come to see her.
Ohh, he said he's got something to clear ! Whatever could that be ?
Anthony followed Megharleen in silence until they seated themselves quietly on the park bench. Megharleen turned around to face Anthony, who smiled at her. Megharleen blushed and a voice screamed inside her head.
Ask him already !
Trying to make her voice sound as normal as possible, Megharleen asked Anthony why he had come to see her.
'I already told you.'
'Yeah, you did. About what ?'
'Can't you possibly think ?'
'Tell me, won't you ?'
'The drunken phone call.'
Megharleen's smile faded.
'Allow me to explain.'
'First of all, I'm sorry. I was completely arseholed and didn't realise what was happening. I tried to remember today morning after all that Flora told me. I can't remember. I'm sorry. I really am.'
'Anthony ?'
Megharleen broke her silence. Anthony looked at her guiltily.
'May I say something ?'
'It's true I got a phone call from someone drunk. I'm pretty sure you understood that when you saw your call log. But trust me, you weren't the one who did the talking. It was someone else, a friend of yours and he -'
Megharleen suddenly stopped, afraid that she had said too much. Anthony, however, looked at her, wanting to know the rest his memory as well, as his sister could not tell him.
'Who was it ?'
'Someone called Mathew.'
'What did he say ?'
Megharleen fell quiet at the question. She couldn't dare to bring herself to say what Mathew had told her.
'Megharleen ?'
Anthony had spoken, this time, there was something forced about his voice. The tone made Megharleen realise she had no choice other than to answer him.
'He said ...'
She hesitated.
'Go on.'
'He said ... He said he loves me.'
The transformation of Anthony's features on hearing the words were terrifying. His eyes narrowed, his mouth was grim and it was clear he was fighting something on the inside.
In his anger, Anthony lost sight of Megharleen. He did not realize that they had been seated on the same bench until her timid, low voice broke into his turbulent thoughts.
'Anthony ?'
'Uhh ?Huh ?'
'You there ?'
'You okay ?'
'Yeah, don't worry.'
That was a lie.
Anthony had lied to Megharleen; a first. He would never have lied in a different situation but now, he was furious enough to rip Mathew's throat and he could not let Megharleen beg and keep him from doing it. And hence, the lie.
Not wanting to give away the plan inside his head, Anthony smiled at. Megharleen and decided to tease her.
'Is there anything else you would like to tell me, Harleen ?'
Megharleen turned rosy at the question.
'Uhh, no.'
'No ? Oh c'mon !'
Anthony's tone was flirty now. If anything, the tone made Megharleen blush hard and her voice panicky.
'No, there's nothing left to say !'
'Yeah ?'
Megharleen's tone, however, betrayed the emotions of keeping something away. Anthony smiled. He got up and held out his hand to her. Refusing the hand, Megharleen stood up and faced him, only to realize the differences in their height. She was shorter, much shorter than he was.
'See you then ?', he asked.
'Bye. Take care.'
'You too.'
On hearing those words, Anthony sprinted down the road and out of Brooklyn Gardens. Only one thought occupied his mind.
Mathew's going to pay for this.
Anthony caught the bus and made a call to Mathew after he seated himself.
'Hello Mathew.'
'Hello mate. What up ?'
'Where you at ?'
'At the field. 10th Avenue.'
See you there, fucker.
Anthony hung up on the call and after getting off at his stop, made his way to the football field at 10th Avenue.
It was huge, beautiful and would have tempted Anthony to play but unfortunately, play was not WHAT Anthony had in mind.
'Hey Anthony !'
Anthony turned around to see Mathew run towards him, boots and jersey on. Anthony felt his blood boil and the fingers curl up.
The next minute, Anthony's fist was in the air, and in Mathew's face. Mathew staggered backwards, looking confused.
'Dude, what's wro -'
Mathew did not complete the sentence, for Anthony had punched him a second time.
The both of them had the attention of everyone present in the field and people were gathering around to see what the fight was all about.
Anthony hollered as he knocked Mathew down on the ground. He was about to punch him once more, when someone twisted his arm and pulled him back.
'What in the world - ?'
Anthony found himself looking up at a blond guy, who was looking down at him with an expression of rage and fury. He yanked Anthony towards him and then, suddenly pushed him towards a girl, who eyed Anthony with fear.
The blond holding Anthony spoke.
'This is him ? The one who nearly gropped you ?'
Anthony looked up, at the girl, trying to place her with anyone similar in his mind but ... Nothing.
He heard her answer.
'Yes. This is him.'
Before Anthony knew what happened, he was thrown down ...
And being advanced on ...

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