Chapter Seventeen : Confessions

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Anthony stared at the slender, bronzed figure sitting across the small table.
Seriously ? What could possibly go wrong ? Why did I even ask ? Fuck !
Anthony was feeling too many emotions in a single run and it did not feel like anything he would ever want to remember.
A sharp voice cut into Anthony's thoughts.
'Tell me. What happened that night ?'
Anthony swallowed.
This was Megharleen's brother, not Megharleen.
Valentin Johansson was a completely different scenario from Megharleen Johansson.
He was everything Megharleen was not.
How is he even Megharleen's brother ?
Megharleen is too soft. I can't believe she grew up with this guy ! If a girl has a brother, some of the toughness should atleast be rubbed on her but ...
Urghhhh !
Whatever ! Just tell him something before he kills you !
'I'll explain.'
The thought of being away from Megharleen was bad. Being kept away from her was even worse. Anthony decided to tell Valentin, even though he knew it could result in a fistfight. Hopefully Valentin would not punch him in a coffee shop.
'I was out with a few friends.'
'And ?'
'We went for a drink ...'
As he went with the story, Anthony noticed Valentin's expressions change. His eyes grew hard at the mention of the drunk Mathew talking but softened when Megharleen's name was brought up. His face was set. Anthony pretended not to notice as he went on with the story.
Forgive me, Megharleen !
Anthony fell silent once he was done. He looked at Valentin, who seemed to be struggling.
And then he nearly jumped out of his seat.
Valentin's fists had curled. He was breathing heavily and his eyes had become hard and thin. He spoke in a low, cold tone.
'Where will I see this Mathew ?'
Woah, will he actually pulverise Mathew ? Mathew won't even stand a chance against him !
'Don't ...'
Valentin raised an eyebrow at him.
Of course not ! I'm not defending him !
'Alright, alright ...'
'What ?'
'I ... Uhh ... Uhh ...'
Anthony hesitated. He wondered if it were a good idea to tell Valentin that he had lost his chance to get to Mathew first.
Sorry, but I got to Mathew first !
'You what ?'
'I beat him up.'
There !
Valentin stared confusedly at Anthony.
Okay, maybe I shouldn't have told him.
'You what ?'
Valentin sounded confused. And suddenly, Anthony found himself feeling sorry for Valentin.
'I beat Mathew up cause he proly scared her. That's why I came to see her. I wanted to set things straight. I -'
Anthony stopped abruptly. His eyes grew wide.
Valentin's eyes had grown soft. They were filled with tears.
Uhh ... Ohh.
Making Valentin cry had not been a part of his outbreak.
Whatever would Megharleen say when she heard of this ?
Anthony could not guess. He decided to leave it for later.
Damn ! Valentin is a softie !
As crazy as it seemed, Anthony could not help but smile at the sight.
Valentin ...
Was well, human.
'Damn. Valentin -'
Valentin raised his eyebrow.
Anthony suddenly felt uncomfortable.
'I mean - can I call you by your name ?'
Either his reaction or his question had been priceless, because Valentin actually cracked a smile. He dabbed at his wet eyes.
'Yeah, sure.'
Saved !
'Valentin, I'm sorry but you seem pretty human.'
It seemed a stupid thing to say. Except that Valentin had started laughing.
Dang ! First her, now him !
Anthony could not help but notice how similar Valentin looked to Megharleen when he laughed. Both of them shut their eyes and had a way of tossing the head back. Their throats rose and cheeks dimpled.
Fuck ! It runs in their blood !
And another thought crept in.
Maybe, sometime in the future, it could run in mine too !
Anthony blushed at the thought.
Valentin caught him red handed.
'Thinking about my sister, pretty boy ?'
Anthony blushed again.
Valentin chuckled.
'I would love to talk more with you. Unfortunately, I've to run. So I'll see you again, sometime.'
With those words, Valentin held out his hand to Anthony.
Dumbstruck, Anthony took the hand.
This is soo weird !
Anthony forced himself to look at Valentin full in the face. That's when he realized something ...
Valentine's eyes were the same shape as Megharleen's.
Almond shaped !
Anthony smiled to himself.
I can't wait to see Megharleen !
And to tell her !
'See you then !'
Valentin smiled.
On that, Anthony got up and walked away, his mind and heart lighter than before.
He walked away knowing that he had put to rest the last of Valentin's fears.

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