Part Four : The Arsholed Regrets

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Uhh ... Ohh
Dinner out, huh ? Damn, its almost Christmas. I keep forgetting about it.
Anthony was out with his 'so-called-squad'. Their incessant talks were boring to him and so, he mentally phased out, thoughts on Megharleen.
She's just like her name. Pretty. Beautiful. Wondrous. Worth every thought and every word.
He had to admit it - Megharleen was one hell of a gem. She was a prize. A prize not to be just won, but earned. She was like a salad - it sounded like a joke - a lot of good things. Smart, funny, sarcastic, creative and ... Herself.
She was herself.
And ...
Exactly my type.
Anthony dared not say it out loud because he was insecure himself about her. He considered himself too fucked up to even think of dating her. Perfect and flawed don't go together.
Another thought strayed into his mind.
Could be right. But you know, Megharleen would say that flaws are perfect. Right ?
So much for her kindness. From the time Megharleen could remember, she had been used and tossed about, like a plastic bottle meant for one time use.
Used, tossed and thrown.
Like she had been no good.
Those sickening bastards ! She's magic ! The way they treated her - well, they've lost her ! Shame on them !
'Anthony ?'
His friend's voice brought Anthony back to reality.
'Yeah ?'
'You in ?'
Anthony quietly slipped away with his friends into the dark.
By the time they reached the next street, the excitement was running high. A night out meant three things - booze, stash and cigs. The group found itself in a noisy pub and then, all hell broke loose.
Anthony was completely wasted. He had downed his fifth glass of rum and coke, and was on his sixth glass when his friend showed.
'C'monnn made. We hafta leave. Its nalmost one.', slurred Mathew, smacking Anthony on his shoulder.
'Okaayy. Just one more, awright ?'
Downing his last glass, Anthony made his way out of the noisy pub, his arm around Mathew.
The squad noisily made their way down the dark lane. The area was dimly lit, a 'perfect' area for trouble. Trouble could be avoided but unfortunately, the setting was in the mode for trouble.
'Heyyyy der, preddy girlie. Whatcha doinnnn ?', hollered a drunk Mathew, grinning stupidly.
Unfortunately for herself, a young girl was waiting in the dimly lit area alone. Her eyes fell on the drunk boys, who were stumbling over each other as well as themselves. Her expression changed to one of nervousness and dug her phone out of her pocket, to make a call to her friend for whom she was waiting.
'Hella darlin. Wassup ?', called Anthony as he neared the girl. She looked up, scared. Anthony didn't notice as he stepped towards her, his drunken eyes fixed on the front of her tee.
He was a goner.
He was completely arseholed.
The girl stepped away, slowly, one step at a time. Unfortunately for her, Anthony noticed her and shuffled upto her, faster than before.
'Well, darlin. I would likta spend time wid ya.'
She stepped back, fear flashing in her eyes.
Anthony's eyes gleamed.
Complete arseholed.
The girl whirled, and took to her heels, but she wasn't fast enough. Anthony lunged forward, grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back. She let out a desperate cry for help which nobody could hear, and he slapped his hand over her mouth and pushed her to the wall.
'Lemme see whatcha got der, huh ?', said Anthony, holding her against the wall with one hand. His other hand was on the hem of her tee.
'Please.', she whimpered.
'Ohh, no darlin. You'll enjoy dis.',he returned, his hand slowly lifting up the hem of her shirt.
But luck favoured her and not Anthony ...
'Hey Anthony, bruhh, do meyya favour. Dis gal's hot. Teller to talk to me, woncha ?', said a voice to Anthony.
Anthony turned slightly to face Mathew holding up his phone to him.
Anthony squinted to look at the contact name and something clicked inside his drunk self.
Ohh no ...
Megharleen ...
'No, ya don't', snapped Anthony, attention turning from the girl to the phone.
He froze as he heard her voice.
'Anthony ? Are you there ? Who's speaking to me ? Anthony ? Anthony ?'
Holy fuck ! No ! Megharleen, don't !
Anthony grabbed his phone from Mathew's hand and the next minute, his other fist was in Mathew's face.
'NO YA DON'T !', hollered Anthony as he threw a punch at Mathew, the phone still on the call with Megharleen, who was on the other end of the line.
'Wass happenin ? Wass happenin ?'
A few of the 'squad' ran over to the brawl, on hearing Mathew's yells. The girl who had been under Anthony's grip till the fight had quietly melted herself into the darkness as she watched the tussle.
'STOPPID, BOTH OF YA !', hollered the boys who had been attracted by the noise of the brawl. A few of them managed to pull Anthony off Mathew before the latter could be injured.
Anthony was pushed away, which he didn't mind. His hands fumbled and pulled out the phone. He hoarsely whispered into the phone before hearing a click which meant the call to be disconnected.
Anthony looked up and about, guilt in his eyes. His eyes met hers and she didn't wait for another minute and ran off, in the opposite direction.
Anthony sank to the ground, head held by his hands as he realized.
What have I done ?

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