Part Eight : The Twitterpatted's Brother Trouble

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Megharleen woke up with a dull headache. She tried forcing herself to sleep again - just to rid herself of the headache - but no avail.
Might as well get up now ...
Megharleen had sat up in bed when there was a knock on her bedroom room.
'Come in.', she softly called.
The door opened, and there stood a boy. Megharleen let out a gasp.
He was bronzed now, the short neat straight jet black hair she had seen was now longer and shabbier, he was taller than she remembered and his lips were already curved up into a smile (at the sight of her sleepy, messy self.)
Ohh my goodness ! Valentin !
'Valentin !'
'Good morning Harleen.'
Valentin walked over and sat down on the edge of Megharleen's bed. He smiled at her affectionately, as any elder brother would have.
'How're you, Harleen ?'
'I'm ...'
Her voice trailed off.
Megharleen fell silent.
I've to tell him ...
'Val ?'
Her tone was hesitant.
Valentin recognised it for he looked at her, genuine concern in his eyes.
'I need to tell you something.'
'Are you free today morning, I mean - the following hours ?'
'We'll talk about this over breakfast then. Get ready in ten. I'll be downstairs.'
Valentin left the room with a smile.
Megharleen forced herself out of bed and rushed about, trying to get ready. She hurriedly changed into a tee and sweatpants after brushing her teeth. She made her way to the mirror.
Damn ! My hair ! Why couldn't I have been born with straight hair ? Ohh well, can't blame the cell cycle now !
After a few minutes of struggle, Megharleen managed to pull her hair into a messy bun. She stared at her reflection.
Ohh well, this will have to do.
She heard Valentin call from downstairs.
'Harleen, you done yet ?'
'Yes, just give me a minute.'
Megharleen pulled on her sneakers and raced out of her room, downstairs and out of the house. She dashed into the car whose Valentin had left open a few minutes prior to calling her.
As she buckled up in the shotgun, Valentin dropped himself gracefully into the driver's seat.
Griping the steering wheel, Valentin turned to his younger sister.
'Where do you want to go ?'
'Any place, it's okay with me.'
Half an hour later, Megharleen sat at a small table, a cup of hot chocolate in her hands. Facing her sat Valentin, digging his way through his pancakes. In between his bites, he looked up at Megharleen and spoke a single word.
'Well ...'
'Well ?'
'I've news and you probably won't like it.'
Valentin smirked, still digging through the his pancakes.
'What's that ? Did you fail a test ? Or did you forget to hand in a project ?'
'Then ?'
Valentin raised his eyebrows at Megharleen.
Megharleen dared herself to look at him in the eye as she chose to reveal the 'news'.
'I'm in love with someone.'
Valentin nearly choked on his coffee.
'You're in love ?'
'Yes, I said I'm in love with someone.'
'And may I know who this someone is ?'
Megharleen blushed.
'Umm ... He's a friend.'
'I got that. His name ?'
Megharleen blushed.
'Anthony as in -'
Megharleen cut her brother's sentence halfway.
'As in Anthony Stark.'
'Tony Stark.'
'So, my little sister is in love with a playboy.'
Megharleen blushed painfully.
Not a playboy but someone you won't like ...
Megharleen brought herself to speak.
'He's not a playboy.'
'Hehe. I was kidding. Now, tell me about him.'
Uhh ohh ...
Megharleen was caught off guard. She hesitated. She could not bring herself to tell her brother what kind of a boy she had fallen for ... Valentin would get a cardiac arrest for all she knew.
He'll die. Even worse ... I don't know.
'You're not going to like this.'
'He's a drug addict.'
The hand holding the fork with bits of pancake frozen halfway through its journey. Valentine's eyes flashed.
'A drug addict ?'
Megharleen hung her head.
'And the rest ?'
Valentin was subjected to a low voiced answer.
'He's a chain smoker. He drinks alot too.'
'Harleen ?'
Megharleen forced herself to look at Valentin in the eye. His words sent her heart down, like an elevator down the shaft.
'I expected better from you.'

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