Part Five : Twitterpatted

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'Here you go !', declared Thalia, handing Megharleen a small piece of paper which had the WiFi password scribbled on it. 'Thank you.',smiled Megharleen kindly. Thalia flushed with pleasure. And suddenly, Megharleen found herself answering a funny question.
'Are you actually her sister ?'
Megharleen laughed.
'Well, yes. Why ask ?'
'I don't believe it actually. It seems impossible that you're Kennedy' s sister !'
The statement made Megharleen laugh harder.
'Why not ?'
'You're nothing like her ! How is it that you're calm and collected, while she's loud and crazy ?'
'Damn ...'
Megharleen stopped right after she had just got a word in. She could not control herself. She had to laugh. And she did.
It had been a while since Megharleen had what she called a 'tummy hype'. The pain was unbearable, she could feel the stabs in her diaphragm as well as her cheeks but she kept on laughing. She collapsed onto Thalia's bed, hugging her stomach, struggling to control her laugh, which according to her parents was too 'unladylike' and 'improper'.
Thalia lost it when she saw Megharleen laugh. She joined her and the both of them laughed their heads off together.
Megharleen pulled herself together to pose her question.
'What makes you ask that ?'
'Well, me and Kennedy got into this argument once and she was just blubbering rubbish, and it got me thinking.'
'Thinking of ?'
Seriously ? Is that you would ask a thirteen year old ?
Megharleen quickly corrected her mistake.
'Thinking about ?'
'About how you would deal with it, I mean, if you ever in an argument.'
'I try not to get into those.'
'Arguments ?'
A voice called for them from the next room.
'Megharleen ? Kennedy ? Thalia ? Austin ? Are you ready to eat ?'
'YES PLEASE !', choruses three young voices loudly. And four pairs of feet found their way to the dining table.
'Do help yourself.' smiled Mrs. Spencer at Megharleen, as the former gently seated herself.
'Will do. Thank you.', returned Megharleen and she turned her attention to the food laid out on the table.
Megharleen had never seen a table fully loaded with food, especially for dinner. However only one dish caught her fancy.
Oooh ! Ya'ay !
The fact she had not eaten macaroni  for a long time made Megharleen eat quite an amount of macaroni. She was a quick eater and so, the plate was wiped clean within five minutes.
'Megharleen ! Have you had enough ?', asked Mrs. Spencer, hovering over her.
'Yes, ma'am.'
Megharleen quietly excused herself from the dinner table and made her way back to Thalia's bedroom. She fished her pocket for her phone and on pulling it out, eagerly checked her messages.
Thalia's question would definitely be a joke to him.
Sadly, her inbox had no new msgs from Anthony. And so, Megharleen found herself rereading her old chats with him. And suddenly, a message of his caught her attention.
Can I ask you something ?
Don't get me wrong, but I felt a spark between us.
As if a boulder had hit her, something clicked inside Megharleen's head. Or perhaps, a revelation ...
A spark between us ? Of course ! I feel it too. So it wasn't just me ... Uhh ... Ohh my ... Is this what I think it is ? Oh my God ! I'm in love with Anthony Summers ! I'm in love with him !
Megharleen's eyes grew wide at the realization, a smile escaped and the cheeks flushed.
I've got butterflies in my tummy.
Would it be okay to tell him ?
Does he feel the same way too ?
Thoughts ran inside Megharleen's mind. She was now ...
Twitterpatted ...
Like Bambi ...
'Megharleen ?'
Karen Spencer's voice cut into Megharleen's thoughts.
Megharleen attempted for a straight face and looked up at Mrs. Spencer, to see her hold out a plate to her.
Snickers and cheese pudding !
'Thank you very much.'
As she dug away at her pudding, it came to her ...
She placed the plate and the fork on the table next to the bed and grabbed her phone.
Fingers trembling, she opened his inbox and typed in those three words ...

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