Chapter Sixteen :

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Anthony lay still in his bed, staring at the cream coloured ceiling of his room. His body hurt from the punches the blond threw. He did not stir for an hour until he felt he could sit up properly without feeling much of the pain. When the pain subsided, Anthony sat up in bed, grabbed his phone and ...
I've to tell her. She'll listen to me. She'll understand.
I hope she does.
Fingers trembling, Anthony dialled her number and waited for her to attend the call. Five calls went this way. A thought struck Anthony.
Ohh fuck ! What if she's with her parents and I called at the moment ? Damn it ! The dumbfuck I am ! I'll text her !
Anthony typed in a long message for Megharleen, about what had happened the previous night. He swore under his breath at the autocorrect as well as the typos.
He made sure he mentioned everything he had been able to piece together. He even mentioned Alianova's name and her physical appearance.
Anthony was reminded of how Alianova reminded him of Megharleen. For Alianova was short and thin, soft spoken and timid. Exactly like Megharleen in those traits. Understanding too.
He remembered Alianova clearly - short and thin, straight dark brown hair dark eyes and a lot of freckles on her fair skin.
I hope you reply soon. I just need ... I need someone to talk to and you're the only one I can turn to without any hesitation. Get mad at me, I don't care but please listen to what I've to say. Please. I ... I love you ...
'Anthony ?'
A girl's voice cut into Anthony's thoughts.
Flora was at the door, nervously looking at him.
'Come in.'
Flora walked in and quietly seated herself on the edge of the bed.
'What is it, Flora ?'
'Could you run an errand for me ?'
'Sure thing.'
'I need some things for my science project.'
'That it ?'
She handed him a list and seventy dollars. He gently took them from her.
'I'll take care of it.'
'Thanks. I've to go.'
With that, Flora left the room.
With his sister gone, Anthony got off his bed, made a trip to the bathroom and got ready.
Staring at himself in the mirror, Anthony noted that he did not sport any injury from the tussles he had previously been involved in during the past twenty four hours.
Score one for Anthony Summers ! Ohh yeah !
Grabbing the list and the money off the bedside table, Anthony went downstairs. He grabbed the keys of the car from his sister and pulling on his sneakers, left the house.
Anthony pulled out of the driveway. And suddenly, there was this voice screaming inside his head.
Dude ! Don't ! This is such a bad idea ! Don't go dude ! Things are going to be so wrong !
Anthony tried to pacify himself. The voices, however, kept on coming.
This is going to fucked up ! Go back home already !
It'll be okay. Besides, it's only a short trip to the - ....
What could possibly go wrong ?
That nearly calmed all the voices in his head, except one ...
Anthony swallowed. That small voice bothered him to the extent that's he was forced to turn the volume of the songs to the highest. Just to distract himself, of course.
As soon as he reached the supermarket, Anthony dashed out of the car, grabbed an empty trolley and rushed inside.
'Eggs, check. Potato, check. Tomato, check. Milk ?'
The trolley was slowly pushed, using most of his utmost concentration to keep all the items in it safe - especially the eggs.
'Vinegar ? Check.'
'Dry ice ? Funny.'
'Plastic cups ? Okay.'
After a bunch of checks and cross checks, Anthony made his way to the cashier, paid and left the place with four paper bags in his arms.
Piece of cake ! What went wrong ? Nothing !
As Anthony finished putting the bags into the car, a shadow fell across him.
Look out ! Trouble is here !
Anthony turned to face the person whose shadow had been cast. There was no mistaking him - the tall, lean frame, the bronzed skin, the messy black hair.
Holy crap ! Valentin Johansson !
It was Valentin. His lips were pressed together - his expression was not one of happiness.
Anthony froze as Valentin grabbed him by the shoulder. He forced himself to look at Valentin in the eye as Valentin spoke. His words sent Anthony's heart to his stomach.
'Tell me what happened last night.'

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