💟 Friendship

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Sooyoung POV

After seeing Jiwoo almost choke to death in the food court, my friends were asking me if I knew her.

"Yes, I know her! She's my roommate... she just a annoying girl that likes pink and plushies in a excessive amount. But sometimes, she is hot..." I opened my eyes. Everyone looked at me with a questioning face. I stuttered "She.. uh, she gets h-hot... yeah, because in my dorm there isn't.... there isn't a air conditioner! Yes, air condi-tioner..." They made 'Ahhh' and nodded.

We arrived in KAIST and I jumped out of the car. While I was walking towards the lobby door, a girl comes up to me and starts talking,

"Your name is Sooyoung, right?" She asked

"Um... yes, that's me."

"Oh! My name is Lisa Manoban, I'm new in school so I just wanted to see if you wanted to work with me for the science project. The teacher asked me too..." She laughed uncomfortably.

"Sure! I'll work with you. I didn't have a partner so I'm glad I have you." I said shaking her hand.

"Great! See you tomorrow in class?"

"Sure! Bye!" I waved and kept walking to my room.

Jiwoo POV

After long hours of laying my head on my pillow, I decided to stand up and open the windows of the dorm to have some air. I looked at the sky through the open window and then my sight went downwards.

Sooyoung is downstairs! Wait.... who is she talking to? I leaned more and got a better view of them. What are they talking about? I wanna hear! What!? She took her hand! Sooyoung has HER HAND! IF SOOYOUNG DOESN'T LEAVE THAT HAND ALONE I'LL..... Calm down, Jiwoo..... Calm down...

I sat on my bed for a second but I didn't waste my time and leaned over the window again, but Sooyoung was no where to be seen.

"Where did Sooyoung g- 'KNOCK KNOCK!' AAAAAAHH!"

Sooyoung opened the door and found me on the ground. I fell because of the loud noise.

"Why do you have to knock the door so loud!? I almost had a heart attack!" (7u7)

"Sorry... I just thought you weren't there..." She snickered.

I threw a pillow at her, causing her to fall on her bed. I laughed at her and didn't bother to help her.

"If you do that to me one more time, I'll make you choke again but this time, with a bigger chicken!" She stood up and threw a pillow at me. In seconds, the dorm became a pillow fight campus. I hit her back and she on the floor. I wanted to walk pass her but she grabbed my ankle and I fell beside her. She then rolled over me and put herself on top. Her face was so close to mine. Her eyes locking with mine... we were getting closer, and closer..... Sooyoung's lips were millimeters from mine, she closed her eyes....

But I didn't want to. I shoved her and she fell in the ground again. I stood up and sat on my bed.

"Let's forget.... that... happened..." I said while taking a big breath.

"Why would you want to forget something that you were so exited about?" She smirked and I let out a shriek. "No, I was not exited! You were the one who got on top of me!" She laughed and sat beside me in the bed.

"Jiwoo, you can't hide your feelings anymore... I know you like me and you know I like you..... why do we keep hiding our feelings?" Sooyoung said while putting her hand on my thigh.

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