💟 Fear

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Ughh.... w-what am I doing... here? Hhh...


Lisa POV

'Keep running, Lisa' I told myself.

'No one knows you were with her' I told myself

'She is ok. She only fell' I remembered myself

I ran out of the school, trying to not get seen. I kept running until I stopped at a little cafe. I entered the cafe's bathroom and sat on the toilet. My vision got blurry because of the tears forming up in my eyes. Why did I had to be so childish with Jiwoo? She probably unconscious in the bathroom and look at me, I'm a fugitive. This is a mess. I hate myself! Why....

Sooyoung POV

School was dismissed so basically everyone went to their dorms. I expected Jiwoo waiting for me in the dorms but she wasn't there. I tried to call her a few times but she didn't answer. I searched our bathroom, the lobby, but I didn't find her.

"God... Jiwoo where are you?" I murmured.

I decided to check on our class building. The last time I saw her, she was here. I looked in the bathrooms, and I found her. A streak of blood below her head, with her eyes shut.

"Oh my... JIWOO! Wake up! What happened?! Jiwoo!! Jiwoo! Wake up, wake up! I- uhh... Someone help! HELP!" I grabbed her head, she was bleeding too much! I panicked so I called an ambulance.

"I need help! I found my friend unconscious in the bathroom! Please! Yes... KAIST! Class department... please hurry up!" They said they'll be here in 5 minutes... "It'll be ok, Jiwoo... please wake up.. please!" I fell on her body, sobbing. I was terrified. How did Jiwoo fall like this? I would kill the person who had the guts to do this to my Jiwoo!

~ TimeSkip ~

The ambulance arrived and the proceeded to carry Jiwoo on a stretcher. I ran beside her, trying to keep a pace. I got on the ambulance with Jiwoo. It got started and made its way to the hospital. I grabbed tightly Jiwoo's hand, she was so pale. I asked the nurse if I could call her parents and her "best friend", Yerim.

Yerim POV

La la la laaaa! Been been there, neva' been been there! Ooooh yeaaaaah Hooo! Ladididaaaa!

Cleaning dishes was the best! I could sing and clean at the same time! Maybe I should call Jiwoo, and then we could clean together! Yay! I went to look for my phone but it started ringing.

~ ring ring ring ~

Oh, it's Jiwoo! I took the call and it was a screaming mess. And it wasn't Jiwoo's voice either....


"Wait what?!" I said.

~beep beep~

"What the heck! Hello! Hellooo? Shoot!" I took my purse and got on the nearest taxi.

"Take me to Central Hospital, please! As fast as you can!"

Sooyoung POV

Jiwoo was still very pale and she didn't show any signs of waking up. The doctor walked into the room so I stood up and asked,

"Is she ok?"

The doctor made a grin but it was a bit.... not happy, "Yes, she is... but it will take time for her to wake up. She fell on her head very hard so it might have some damages. But based on the test results,it said she won't have memory loss so it's not going to be that big of a change... now if you excuse me.."

"Oh sure, you can leave, Doctor... thank you very much."

"My pleasure.."

The doctor left the room leaving me, a nurse and Jiwoo alone.

"WHERE IS JIWOOOOOO!" A voice came from the hall. I looked at the door and it was Yerim.

"How is she!?" She said desperately,

"She's ok but she is in some coma of some sort... but the doctor said it won't cause me money loss so that's good news..."

"But how did she fall?"

"I really don't know... I wasn't there.."

"Well ok... I'm gonna call her parents so they don't worry."


I looked again at Jiwoo. I hope she gets better... I really do...

Lisa POV

After spending the afternoon in the city, I decided to go back to the dorms. When I entered the lobby, everyone was gathered there, whispering. I saw Irene, a senior, siting in a corner so I went to ask her what was happening.

"What is everyone gossiping about?"

"Didn't you find out? Someone tried to murder Jiwoo at our bathrooms!"

"Oh, really... do you know in what hospital is she in?"

"The ambulance who came was from Central Hospital... why do you want to know?"

"I just wanted to know... I gotta go, bye!"

I sprinted out of the school and got to the hospital. I couldn't find the receptionist so I asked a doctor,

"Do you know where Kim Jiwoo is?"

"Floor 7, room 56..."

I was ready to leave but the doctor stopped me.

"Why do you want to see her?"

"I'm her... friend!"

I ran to the elevator and to the room. When I arrived, I peeked through the window and saw Sooyoung with another girl beside Jiwoo. I inhaled and opened the door. Sooyoung lifted her head up slowly and when she saw me, I knew she was surprised. The other girl also was shocked but Sooyoung proceeded to talk,

"Lisa?" Yves said.

'You can do it, Lisa'

"Who are you exactly?" The other girl questioned."


"I did it."

"Did what? Lisa, what happened?" Yves said, this time standing up.

I sighed,

"I was the one who pushed Jiwoo."




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