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"Help me, somebody please" I yelled as the doors did nothing but rise up towards the sky. My mind trying to find something that wasn't there. My name or age, anything to help me figure out who I was or where I am.

The door made a squeaking noise as it came to a halt. I hear male voices outside the door as they opened, revealing the light from the sun. I had to squint to see who was there. A bunch of guys', surrounding the opening in the top.

"It's a gurl" a British accent came from above. I tried to see where it came from but I could see nothing but dirty men. Some smirking, others with a shocked face on.

"Well is someone going to help me or leave me in this box only to have me find my own way out" my own voice startled me. I didn't expect to be so bold towards a bunch of men I've never seen. A rope was lowered into the box, multiple guys on the other side.

They barely had to pull as I climbed out of the box with the aide of the rope. I stood up surrounded by more men that had surrounded the box. Ready to attack as they moved in I balled my hands into fists. One of the boys' laughed and nudged his other friends. He moved closer to me and tried to grab my shoulders.

My instincts kicked in and I punched him in the jaw. He flew back into the others and they steadied him. A bunch of laughs could be heard from the men. I saw the rage in his eyes as he balanced himself, walking towards me. I backed up a little before a boy walked in front of me, his back to me.

"That's enough Martin" the British voice said again, putting a hand out to stop him. Another boy stood by the one protecting me and another until there was six or seven in front of me, preventing Martin from getting to me.

"Alright, everybody let's get the bags out of the box" a man said as he walked up to me "and leave the new greenie alone"

"What the hell is a greenie" I asked myself as he walked to the box as well, I looked up towards the walls that were enclosing me in with these boys. I saw an opening not far from where all of us were standing, looking around I calculated my chances with running. Figuring I had a good chance of running I did.

"Hey" one of the boys' yelled as I made my way towards the entrance. I heard them behind me as I kept running towards the door. They were gaining, but I was faster. Almost to the door when I saw three people running back from it.

I could have just run past them but one of the runners coming back tackled me, pinning my arms above my head. I was struggling against his grasp when all the boys who were chasing me showed up, panting and gasping for air. My lungs barely knew I was running; I wasn't even tired.

"Let go of me" I said trying to get out of his grasp again. I knew my arms were going to have bruises on my arms from how hard he was holding them.

"Not until Alby gets here greenie" he said, one leg of his was on either side of my torso. He wasn't even looking at me anymore. His facial features were kind of handsome as I examined them from below him, he caught me looking at him.

"Like what you see Tiger" he asked winking at me. My right leg came up and kneed him in the back. He shrunk away from my wrist giving me enough leniency to get my hands away from his. I brought my right hand up to his neck and smashed it into the ground on the left side of my head. I rolled him off me and slung myself up by my hand, only to be grabbed by another guy.

My hands instantly went to hit him when I saw his face. His facial features softened when he saw my face. His eyebrows were the same weird ones I had seen in my dreams and nightmares. His dirty blonde hair is the same dirty blonde my brother had. The soft blue eyes that had comforted me when I was sick.

"Gally" I breathed out, his eyes flickered from mine to someone else's and back to mine. He was in confusion at first before realizing that I knew him. He was still confused as he let go of me, backing up to get a good look at my face.

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