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"Ok so Thomas, you get the slammer for one night with no food" Newt said, Minho and Thomas just came back from a run, yesterday Teresa came up in the box. Minho and Thomas came back from the run saying they had found a way out. Teresa didn't want me to leave her alone with all the boys' so I stayed behind.

"Fine, you want to throw him a party or whatever be my guest, we're all going to die because of Thomas" Gally said, some gladers nodded their heads and others weren't on Gally's side, rather Thomas's side.

"Stop overreacting Gally" I said, he was fed up with my crap at this point. He shook his head and walked out. Thomas looked at me and slightly smiled, I slightly smiled back, now wasn't the time to be happy.

"The doors aren't closing" I heard someone scream from outside. Newt's eyes widened and I ran outside not unlinking Teresa and looked. They were right, the doors aren't closing. I grabbed a stick and lit it on fire with one of the others and unlinked from Teresa.

"Stay here Teresa, along with you Thomas" I yelled towards them "Newt, Zart, Winston, Charlie come on"

They all grabbed sticks and lit them on fire as I did, running after me. I ran to the doors as it got dark, Gally was beside me now, same thing; stick lit on fire. We ran to the doors, we all stayed silent, and then we heard it. The screech of the grievers, I turned to everyone.

"Everyone hide" I yelled, everyone scrambled and ran towards the Medhut and some to the runners' hut. Some hid in the deadheads. Others ran to where Teresa and Thomas were in the homestead. I waited until everyone had ran away when one of the grievers ran towards the doors after spotting me "come on you son of a bitch"

It screeched and started running towards me, I led it away from the Medhut and all the places people were hiding. I ran towards the slicers hut and turned around, the griever was still a little way away. When it got close enough I threw my stick of fire of it. It screeched and I took it as my sign to run back to the homestead.

There was another griever trying to get in where they were. They were smart enough to barricade the doors and stay silent. The griever I threw the fire on had spotted me again and began running towards me, screeching. They screech a lot, so the other one that was on top of the homestead turned towards me.

Then they both began to run towards me, I was in the middle of the glade and had nowhere to go until I heard one of the gladers scream. It was Alby, he was screaming from from the deadheads, the two grievers who were running towards me stopped and looked towards Alby.

I grabbed the closest thing to me, a spear and threw it at the griever closest to me, it hit him right it the face and stuck. It began to screech and run back into the maze. The other one ran towards Alby,

"No" I screamed running after it, ever since I came up in the box Alby and I have been super close. It may not have seemed like it at the time but we grew super close, he protected me just like Gally, Newt, Charlie and Minho. I couldn't watch him die for me, so I ran towards the griever.

"What are you doing Raigna" he yelled at me, I ran faster than I ever did before just to get to the griever before it got to Alby, but I was to late. It stabbed Alby and rolled away, back into the maze. I fell to my knees, everything gone, half of the glade was on fire, there were bodies all over.

I grabbed a spear and looked at the last griever in the glade, it was prying on Chuck who had walked out of the homestead. I glared at it,

"Chuck get back in the homestead" I yelled, he turned around and screamed, the griever was on top of the homestead, stalking the little boy. Arms reached out and grabbed Chuck as the griever landed where the boy had been a couple of seconds ago "Hey, you wanna eat my friends, your going to go through me first, buddy"

It began to charge at me, it screeched before getting to me. If I knew Minho that spear would be in the grievers back right about-

"Got it, Newt, go" he yelled, the griever stopped and turned around, the spear Minho threw sticking out the back of it, Newt threw his spear and it hit it's face "Thomas, don't miss"

Thomas threw his spear and it hit almost exactly where Newt's had hit. The griever screeched and almost fell down. Minho looked at me and nodded, he thought I was going to throw my spear at it. Instead I slid under it and stuck my spear in it's belly.

It screeched once more and collapsed, right on top of me.

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