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"Get it off of her" I heard someone yell, I was trapped under a slimy, dead, heavy griever. The gladers yelled on the other side of it and I felt it slightly moved. Then it moved some more and it kept moving until someone grabbed my arms and three for four people pulled me out from underneath it.

I was covered in slime, but that didn't seem to faze Teresa, Gally, Charlie, Minho, Newt, Chuck or Thomas because they all joined in on hugging me. They all got slime covered but then Gally turned to Thomas and slammed his fist into his face.

He fell to the ground, not getting up. He was unconscious, before Gally could kick the shit out of him Charlie grabbed him. He stopped him from kicking him, I walked up to Teresa and winked at her.

"Trust me, I'm on your side, Teresa" I said grabbing her hands and holding them behind her back. She pretended to struggle in my grasp "Gally you were right, Minho, Newt grab Thomas, were taking them to the slammer"

I let Teresa go a little bit enough for her to slap me, Charlie helped me contain her. Minho and Newt held Thomas up and I looked at Gally.

"Gally you were right, Thomas and Teresa are up to something" I said, he smiled at me and I smiled back "get your builders and put stakes right in front of the doors. Were going to sacrifice Thomas and Teresa so that nobody else gets harmed and everything go back to the way it was, Chuck come open the slammer"

"You heard her" Gally said, he smiled at me once more and we all walked to the slammer. Chuck opened the slammer and I let Teresa crawl down in herself. Minho and Newt put Thomas in there and we closed the slammer.

We stayed there until Thomas groaned and he sat up, he opened his eyes and freaked out a little bit when he realized where he was.

"Thomas, we need your help. We know you and Minho have a way out" I said, he nodded his head and looked at his hands. Then back up at all of us "were all on your side Thomas"

"What's the plan" he asked, I smiled a little bit but began to explain my plan.

"Thomas when they come and get you, you pretend to be unconscious still. Teresa I'll tie you up on the stake. Then when they carry Thomas to the stake, we ambush them, I'll cut Teresa down and then we go"

Thomas nodded and I turned, the stakes were being set up, I turned to Thomas and he was pretending to be unconscious as two of Gally's goons came to get them. Minho and the rest of them walked to Gally and the doors.

"I got Teresa, she pretended to be my friend and now she's betraying me" I said to them, they nodded "come on shank"

She almost smiled at me but contained it, I grabbed her and put her arms behind her back. She struggled and I brought her to the stakes. Tying her hands above her as they carried and unconscious Thomas. Minho had a machete and Newt had a spear, ready to attack. Chuck told Frypan and he was on our side because he nodded at us.

Thomas attacked the people who were carrying him and I cut down Teresa, Charlie, Minho and Newt walked over to us. Thomas had a spear and was holding it towards Gally. Fry threw Teresa a machete. Chuck had a frying pan but that wasn't going to do much. I had a knife and Newt had a spear.

"Wow, your just full of surprises" Gally said, he looked between Charlie and I "you would go with that shank than stay with me, that hurts Rai"

"Listen Gally, Thomas found a way out" I said "come with us, but I'm not staying here, it will kill us, we will all die"

"You don't know that Raigna, you don't know just like Thomas doesn't know" he said.

"Listen Gally, the grievers will come back once a night until we are all dead, we don't have a chance here, out there at least we have a chance" Thomas said "were leaving and if any of you want to go with us now's your chance"

"Don't listen to him" Gally said "he's just trying to scare you"

"I'm not trying to scare you, you're already scared, I'm scared ok" he said "but at least out there I know we have a chance"

Winston and Zart looked at Gally both looked at each other and then Gally again, slowly walking over to our side. A couple of other gladers looked at Gally and then made their way over to our side.

"Anybody else" I asked as we slowly began to walk into the glade "were leaving Gally and if you don't want to go with us that's fine, but I'm following Thomas now"

"Good luck against the grievers" Gally said and that was the last thing I heard him say as we began our journey into the maze.

The MazeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang