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I woke up to someone shaking me, it was Minho, Alby was next to him. I smiled and got up, but Minho pushed me back down to the hammock.

"Oh no, your staying here, you don't get to run today, go help Fry or someone" Minho said "we've hired Newt to make sure you don't run today. Gally was more than on board with the idea of you not running"

I grumbled and rolled over, and got out of my hammock. Newt was by my side in an instant and I grumbled again. He laughed at me and we headed to breakfast. Thomas joined us and Gally and Charlie. We all sat down and ate pancakes.

"So Raigna what are you going to do today" Newt asked me, I shrugged my shoulders and took a bite out of my pancakes.

"Probably go for a run" I said, Newt froze at my comment "around the glade Newt, around the glade"

He seemed to unfreeze at my comment, but I got up and threw away the rest of my stuff, taking a drink out of my water I walked outside and to the runner's hut. I grabbed some stuff I would need if I was going on a real run and walked outside. Thomas was standing there and scared me, I slapped his chest and he smiled.

"Mind if I run with you" he asked, I rolled my eyes but went back in the runners; hut. I fixed him up with some runners' undies and a water canteen. I walked out and Newt was standing there, he raised an eyebrow at me as Thomas walked out also.

"Now what" I asked him, he shook his head and I began my run, Thomas didn't slow or anything as I made my first lap around the glade. He didn't slow down with my second or third lap either. I was for sure he was going to quit on the fourth lap. But when I saw a bunch of gladers over by the doors I knew something was up.

Instead of making my fourth lap I ran over to them, Thomas on my heels. Minho and Alby weren't back yet and all the gladers were getting worried. I ran into the first part of the maze. I ran until the section split into two. Minho and Alby were coming from the right. Something was wrong, Minho was carrying Alby.

I ran towards them and got on the other side of Alby, helping carry him towards the glade. The doors began to shut as I heard people yelling for us. I looked up, Thomas was staring at us, and just before the doors closed, Thomas ran into the maze. Minho and I collapsed and I looked at Thomas.

"Good job, you just killed yourself" Minho said. I looked at Alby and he was unconscious. He was stung in the stomach. I heard a bunch of grievers, Whirr Click Whirr, in the distance. Thomas grabbed onto Alby and we hoisted him up. Minho right behind us as we walked towards some vine.

"Raigna, what the hell were you thinking" he asked from behind me. I tied two or three vines around Alby's waist and Thomas a I hoisted him up onto the wall. I turned and looked at Minho while Thomas tied the vines.

"I was trying to save your life, I didn't expect the greenie to follow me" I said, Thomas tied the vines and Minho began running. I was about to follow him when Thomas grabbed me and we hid behind some vines, on the floor of the maze.

A griever passed us and took a left. I popped my head out and tried to see it, but it was gone. A couple minutes later Thomas and I got out. We left Alby on the wall and began to run. We ran the way we saw Minho go when the griever popped out and started to chase us.

"Thomas, Raigna this way" I heard Minho yell, we turned towards the left and ran towards him. Minho ran down a long hallway thong in the maze and I ran as the doors began to close. Thomas stopped,

"Come on Thomas" Minho yelled as I just got through the doors. Thomas said something inaudible and began running towards us, the griever hot on his tail. And just before the walls closed Thomas made it through, squishing the griever between it.

It took us quiet a while to get back to where Alby was, we could hear the doors begin to open as we got Alby down. Thomas and Minho on either side, I was behind them. We began walking towards the door. All the gladers had turned around when Zart took one last look.

"No way" we could hear him say. Everyone turned around and as soon as they saw us they started to cheer. We made it through the glade and they dropped Alby and all three fell to the glade ground. I was engulfed in not one or two or three, but four hugs. Newt, Charlie, Gally and Chuck all hugged me, one by one.

"Guys' I'm alright" I giggled at them, Newt hugged me again just to make sure. I looked back at Thomas and he got bombarded by questions.

"Did you see a griever, Thomas" someone asked, he looked terrified of all the questions that were being thrown at him. He was about to answer their question when I decided to speak up.

"He didn't just see one" Minho said, everyone turned towards him and he continued to speak "he killed one"

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