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"So we've lived in peace with these creatures for three years and now the greenie decides to kill one, who knows what that could mean for us" Gally spoke "this shank needs to be punished"

"Shut the hell up Gally" I spoke up "I wouldn't be here if it weren't for Thomas, neither would Minho or Alby, I'm your little sister, you should be thankful for this "shank"

I air quoted the word shank. Gally rolled his eyes and Newt looked between us,

"Minho you were there what do you think" he asked, Thomas looking a little scared backed up in his seat a little more. Minho looked at Thomas and then at me.

"When I turned tails and ran, this shank stayed behind to help Alby. Look I don't know if he's brave or stupid, but whatever it is, we need more of it" Minho said "I say we make him a runner"

That sparked Gally's anger, he started yelling and then everyone started yelling. I looked at Newt and he rolled his eyes. I was sick of this shit.

"Alright slim it shanks" I yelled, everyone stopped yelling and looked at me "this is klunk and everyone knows it. What Thomas here did was fucking dumb, nobody's denying it, but I did the same thing. I ran in after them, I shouldn't have, but listen to me. When Minho ran away, a griever showed up, Thomas saved me. Thomas stopped a griever from getting to us, he saved us. Thomas hid Alby on the wall, he saved Alby. I say we make him a runner also"

"Look you want to throw the greenie a party then go ahead-

I heard a distant sound and I knew exactly what it was, the box. I ran outside and stood there while everyone passed me going to the box. They all surrounded the box, Newt jumping in.

"It's another gurl" he said, everyone turned to me. I didn't hesitate I ran to the box. Inside the box was a faintly familiar girl, Teresa. She woke up for a second and looked around, spotting Thomas.

"Thomas" she said and fell back into a darkness. I looked at Thomas and Gally walked up to him, I ran over and tried to hold Gally back but he threw me to the ground. Charlie tried to stop him and Newt also but he was to strong. Minho came and he threw all three off. I got up and kicked Gally in the back of the leg where the leg bends. He fell to the ground instantly.

"Thomas come with me" I said walking to the runners' hut, I could tell everyone was watching me but no one moved. I turned around and they were still watching me "now Thomas"

He didn't hesitate and neither did Minho. They both started to follow me, I headed to the runners' hut. I was walking fast and they were still a little way behind me.

"What should we do with the gurl" Newt yelled after me. I turned around, Minho running into me, I glared at him and he backed off super quick. He knew I was kind of pissed.

"Take her to the Medhut, nobody touches her at all until I get there" I yelled back to them "if I find out any of you touched Teresa, I will throw you off a griever cliff myself"

I turned around and began to walk back to the runners' hut. I opened the door and walked it, revealing the mapping of the maze. Thomas gasped barely audible, but I heard it. I turned towards him and he was in awe of the maze.

"It's the maze, it took Minho and his fellow runners' about three years to map out" I said, Minho put his hands on the table. He put his head down, examining the table.

"What if there's something in the griever that was smashed, maybe there could be a clue" Thomas said, I looked at Minho and he had a smirk on his face "what, there could be something in the griever that could possibly give us a clue"

"Fine tomorrow you come with us to check it out ok green-

"We need a little help out here guys'" I heard Chuck say from outside the hut. I walked out and he led us to the look-out in the tree. There was stuff falling out of the tree.

"Girls' are awesome" Chuck laughed pointing to the look-out, Teresa was up there and she was throwing stuff down at us. I got hit in the arm with a piece of wood.

"If you throw-" Gally didn't get to finish his sentence because he was hit with a rock. Thomas began to climb to the top of the look-out. They began to talk until stuff didn't fall anymore.

"Where's Raigna" I heard her say "I know she's here, they may have taken my memories but I could never forget my best friend"

"She's down there, would you like to go see her" Teresa didn't answer just began to climb down the look-out. She spotted me and climbed down even faster. She looked at me for a second before running towards me, tackling me in a hug. We fell to the ground doing about three or four rolls.

My arms around her neck and her arms around my waist we hugged it out for a couple minutes. I didn't remember her as much as she remembered me but I still remembered her smell. She smelled like lilacs and Freesias, always.

"Teresa" I said and sat up, she slowly let go off me and looked at me. Taking my cheeks in her hands she had tears in her eyes.

"Rai" she said, then the tears began to form in my eyes as the paly-dates and sleepovers came back to me, when we were little kids.

"Thomas come here" I heard Gally say, I looked at him. He was ready to punch someone. Teresa got off me and I walked in between Gally and the look-out. Newt and Minho stood beside me, then Winston and Zart. Pretty soon I had most of the glade between Gally and the look-out while Thomas got down.

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