Judas' Betrayal

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Later that night, Judas snuck his way through the street and to the Pharisees temple. He came into the temple to speak with the Pharisees.

Soldier: "Pharisees of Cesar, a man has enter this place. He wishes to have a word with you."

Pharisee 1: "Sent him in."

The soldiers let Judas in to speak with them.

Pharisee 2: You must be one Jesus' followers."

Judas: "Yes, my name is Judas Iscariot."

Pharisee 3: "So Judas, tell us what you know about Jesus."

Judas: "Well, he's not who I thought he was. I thought he would lead a rebellion, but I had no idea he would be so kind and gentle."

Pharisee 1: "Did you ever believe he was really the Messiah?"

Judas: "I...I may have believed that once."

Ciaphas: "So you don't believe now, do you?"

Judas: "No!"

Caiphas: "Good, now then, can we trust you to hand over Jesus to us?

Judas: "Yes, but how much will you pay me if I hand him over to you?"

Pharisee 2: "30 pieces of silver!"

So took 30 silver coins and put them in a sack and gave it to Judas.

Pharisee 1: "So, it is settled then."

Ciaphas: "We must do this privately, though." 

Judas: "When the time time is right, I will lead you to him."

Pharisee 2: "Very well then. Go and we will he you at dawn."

So Judas took the money and left.

Pharisee 2: "We must be careful, Jesus is still very popular among the people."

To be continued...

Judas Iscariot, Pharisees, Ciaphas belong to the Bible 

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