Saving Jesus

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In the temple, the team were fight posing around the hall.

Leo: "Alright guys, first things first. 

Sonic: "That's what I'm looking forward to."

Leo: "Alright, you girls go in the left hallway, Sonic, you and the gang go to the right hallway, and titans, you go to the hallway straight."

Robin: "You got it, Leo. TITANS, GO!"

The titans went through the straight hallway, while the rest went through the other halls to find Jesus' prison cell.

With the turtles and the human allies in the hallway looking for a fight.

Raph: "Nobody's here."

Donnie: "Guess that's good then."

Suddenly centurions caught them.

Centurion: "Hey, you all, stop right there."

Leo: "Ninjas, attack!

They started  to fight and kick butt. Meanwhile with the girls.

Sunset Shimmer: "Let's be sure there are no soldiers to catch us."

Pinkie Pie: "We've got company!"

Pinkie Pie pointed to a group of centurions.

Centurion: "Hey, hold it right there!"

Twilight: "Let's do this, girls!"

The girls started to use their magic to take down the centurions.

Meanwhile with Sonic and the gang

Sonic: "Careful, guys, there could be soldiers around."

Tails: "There also could be one of Jesus' cells."

Suddenly, centurions appeared.

Centurion: "You both, your coming with us!"

Amy: "Let's bust some head's!"

They began the fight. Meanwhile with the Titans.

Robin: "Ok, titans, this could be our fight scene any second now."

Cyborg: "I sense danger!"

Centurions came their way.

Centurion: "Hey you, get over here!"

Robin: "This is our fight scene. TITANS, GO!"

Beast Boy: " Time to crunch you like a cheese biscuit! (Turns into a Lion) ROAR!"

The teen titans fought the centurions with their mighty.

Then the turtles, the girls, and Sonic and the gang arrived during their fight.

Leo: "Incoming!"

Leo kicked a centurion in the face.

Twilight: "Watch out!"

Twilight kicked a centurion in the crotch.

Sonic: "Your too slow!"

Sonic punched a centurion in the gut.

Robin: "Here it comes!"

Robin hit a centurion with his bo staff.

Every single centurion was defeated.

Mikey: "Aww yeah! We did it!

Beast Boy: "Yeah, we are awesome!"

Leo and Twilight looked at each other.

Leo: "That was a talented move you did to that soldier, Twilight."

Twilight: "(Blushes) Thanks, Leo."

Leo and Twilight looked like they were about to kiss, then all of a sudden...

Raven: "NO TIME FOR KISSY FACES OR GOOGLEY EYES! There's someone we need to worry about."

Leo: "Right."

The team went into the jail cell and started looking for the one Jesus is in. At last, they finally found his cell and found him pretty beaten.

Jesus: "My friends."

Everyone: "JESUS!"

They all gave a big hug.

Sunset Shimmer: "(Sniffs) Oh, Jesus, we were so worried about you."

Rarity: "We thought we might lose you."

Robin: "But now that we found you, now's our chance to get out of here."

Leo: "Come on, Jesus, let's get you out of here."

Jesus just stood there.

Leo: "Jesus?"

Jesus: "Please, listen."

Everyone listened.

Jesus: "I know you see the suffering in my soul, and you see the darkness in the men who had hurt me. But my father did not send me into this world to condemn it, but that the world might be saved through me. Join me in forgiveness my friends, and find peace with me. I will die, but I will be raised again, you will weep, but your pain will turn into joy. I will be with you always, have courage."

Fluttershy: "(Crying) "Please, Jesus, don't go, don't leave us!"

Jesus: "I promise I won't leave your side, no matter where you go, you will always be my child."

Starfire: "(Crying) Then we'll never forget you ever!"

Jesus: "Now please, you must go before the centurions come back."

Leo: "We won't leave your side."

Jesus: "And you won't, now please go."

The team looked at him in tears, they did not want to leave him, but they had to do what he told them.

Leo: "(In tears) Goodbye, Jesus."

And then they left, but this was not over yet, they decided to go to the Pilates palace to see what would happen.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles belonged to Nickelodeon

My Little Pony Equestria Girls belongs to Hasbro

Sonic belongs to Sega

Teen Titans Go belongs to DC universe

Jesus, Centurions belong to the Bible

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