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Later that night, everyone was getting ready for bed. But Cream couldn't sleep, she couldn't stop thinking about Jesus.

Amy: "Come on Cream, go to sleep."

Cream: "I can't, I want Jesus with me right."

Amy: "But Cream, he's dead now."

Cream: "(Crying) I know, but I just want him here right now!"

Fluttershy: "I know, I want him here too."

Fluttershy pulled Cream in for a hug.

Cream: "They tortured him, they hurt him!"

Fluttershy: "I know. it scared me too. But now it's all over, we will remember him, but we must let of the scary past."

Cream: "How can I do that, Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy: "I'll show you, Cream."

Music began and then Fluttershy began to sing.

Fluttershy: Lavender's blue,

dilly dilly,

lavender's green,

When I am king,

dilly dilly, 

you shall be queen,

Who told you so, dilly dilly,

who told you so?

'Twas mine own heart,

dilly dilly, that told me so.

Call up your men,

dilly dilly,

set them to work,

Some with a rake,

dilly dilly, 

some with a fork,

Some to make hay,

dilly dilly,

some to thresh corn,

Whilst you and I,

dilly dilly,

keep ourselves warm.

If you should die,

dilly dilly,

as it may hap,

You shall be buried,

dilly dilly, 

under the tap,

Who told you so, 

dilly dilly,

pray tell me why?

That you might drink,

dilly dilly, 

when you are dry.

At last, when Fluttershy was done singing, Cream was finally asleep on her lap.

Fluttershy: "(Giggles) Look's like she's finally asleep."

And the Lullaby also put Mikey to sleep, who was snoring.

Leo: "(Giggles) Yeah, your lullaby worked alright.

Everyone blew out the candles and went to sleep

To be continued...

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles belonged to Nickelodeon

My Little Pony Equestria Girls belongs to Hasbro

Sonic belongs to Sega

This song is called: Lavender Blue, from the movie "Cinderella"

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