Trial before Pilate

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Later, in a house, John ran through the door to see Mary, Jesus' mother, Martha, and Mary the sister of Lazarus.

Mary: "John?"

John: "Mary, its..."

Mary: "It's Jesus, isn't it?"

John: "He was taken to Ponticus Pilate, There's to be an announcement!"

The other woman, Mary and Martha came out and saw them weeping.

Mary: "Oh, John, take me to him!"

Later at the Palace, there was a crowd in the house of trial.

Then the roman governor, Ponticus Pilate came out to make an announcement.

Ponticus Pilate: "You brought me here a man that you say has broken the law, I questioned him and found him guilty of no crime. But you insisted o punishing him, and there for he has been punished."

Meanwhile, Jesus was being flogged by the centurions, 40 times. After that they gave him a purple robe, a reed, and they put a crown of thorns on his head. They laughed at him.

Centurion: "(Laughing) Hail, king of the jews!"

Meanwhile, John and the woman went through the crowd to see Jesus. The team was also there too.

Karai: "Any sign of him."

Leo: "No, I hope he comes out soon."

Raph: "And I hope they release him."

Then, Jesus came out in a scarlet robe and the crown of thorns on his head, bleeding and cutted. The team was horrified at what they saw what they did to Jesus.

Twilight: "Oh...My...Gosh!"

Starfire: "What have they done to him?"

Raven: "He's looks so beaten and bloody."

Ponticus Pilate: "Behold, the man."

The crowd shouting even louder.

Ponticus Pilate: "What have you done to make them hate you so?"

Jesus said nothing, Then Pilate has one request for the crowd.

Ponticus Pilate: "We have a custom to release one prisoner during your festive days."

The centurions brought out a prisoner named, Barabbas.

Ponticus Pilate: "What say to you, shall I deliver you Barabbas or Jesus who is called christ?"

The crowd shouted for Barabbas, while the team shouted for Jesus.

Ponticus Pilate: "What then shall I do with Jesus who is called christ?"



Ponticus Pilate: "Why? What evil has he done?"

The crowd kept shouting, so Pilate asked again.

Ponticus Pilate: "What evil has he done?"

Pharisee 1: "We have a law, and according to that law he must die. Because he claim to be the son of god!"

Pilate then turned to Jesus.

Ponticus Pilate: "Where do you come from?"

Jesus still said nothing.

Ponticus Pilate: "Do you refuse to speak to me, don't you realize that have the power to either free you or to crucify you?"

Jesus: "You would have no power over me, if it were not given to you above. Therefore, the one who handed me over to you is guilty of greater sin."

Pilate wondered and told the crowd

Ponticus Pilate: "I tell you, I find no fault in this man."

Pharisee 1: "He calls himself a king, we have no king but Caesar. And you know good and well that acknowledging Jesus as king is nothing more than treason."

Pilate had no choice, he called a servant over with a bowl of water. He washed his hands in the bowl.

Ponticus Pilate: "Then bear record, I am innocent of this man's blood, for I find no fault in him. See you to it."

Jesus was finally about to be put to death.

Sunset Shimmer: "NOOOO!"

Mary: "(Crying) No, My Son!"

To be continued...

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles belonged to Nickelodeon

My Little Pony Equestria Girls belongs to Hasbro

Sonic belongs to Sega

Teen Titans Go belongs to DC universe

Jesus, Barabbas, Ponticus Pilate, Centurions, John, Mary, Martha, Mary  belong to the Bible

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