I am with you Always

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40 days later, The team was walking through the beach.

Cyborg: "Man, it's been so long! When is the power bible gonna take us home?"

Leo: "I think there are a few more things it's trying to show us."

They suddenly saw Jesus and his disciples sitting together at a fire, eating breakfast.


Jesus: "Come and join us, my friends."

Peter: "Were having breakfast."

They all sat together, Then Jesus looked at Peter.

Jesus: "Simon Peter, do you love me?"

Peter: "Yes, lord, I do."

Jesus: "Feed my Lambs. Simon Peter, do you love me?" 

Peter: "Yes, you know that I love you."

Jesus: "Tend my Sheep. Simon Peter, do you love me?"

Peter: "Lord, these three times you ask me, you know all things, you know I love you."

Jesus: "Feed my Sheep."

The Jesus said this to Peter.

Jesus: "Simon Peter, When you were a younger man you did as you pleased, went wherever you wanted to. But now in your age, God will take you and lead you, sometimes to places you never wanted you go to. Will you go Peter? Will you go for me?"

Peter: "Yes, Lord, I will follow wherever you ask me. I will follow with all my heart. What about John, lord? What about him?"

Jesus: "Don't worry about John, If it's my will that he live until I get back, what does that matter to you. You just follow me."

Later at the mountain of Galilee, Jesus was ready to return to heaven to be with his father, God.

Cream: "Jesus, Please don't go."

Jesus: "I will always be with you in your heart. If you believe, I will always be in your hearts. "

Robin: "I do believe in anything within you, Jesus."

Jesus: "Than keep having faith in me, and the holy spirit will guide you."

Jesus went to the top of the mountain to say his last words to his disciples before he leaves.

Jesus: "Go, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I commanded you. And remember, I will be with you always, even until the end of the world."

Then Jesus started flowing up into the sky and disappeared into the light. Everyone was shocked at what they saw.

Twilight: "(Sniff) Goodbye, Jesus."

Then two angels appeared.

Angel: "Men of Galilee, why do you stand there looking into the sky? You saw Jesus ascend to the right hand of God, but some day he will come back as the same way you saw him go."

Then he angels disappeared.

The Disciples rejoiced has they moved on.

Starfire: "(Tears of Joy) We believe now, we do believe."

Then the power bible appeared and started sucking them back home."


And finally they got home.

Mikey: "Home at last!"

Raph: "Yeah, nows my chance to give you the gift didn't give to you yet, Sunset."

Teenage Equestrian Ninja Titans: The First EasterWhere stories live. Discover now