The Burial

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Later in the afternoon, after Jesus' death, a man named Joseph from Arimathea took Jesus's body down from the cross. Nicodemus was helping him. Suddenly, the turtles came to see Jesus' body.

Leo: "WAIT! Let us see him one last time."

Joseph: "As you wish."

The turtles cried as they held Jesus'

Donnie's Flashback

Donnie: "There are about 12 figs on that tree.

Jesus: "That's a good solution, Donatello."

Mikey's Flashback

Mikey: "I keep messing up, Jesus."

Jesus: "Evey flesh has weakness, Michelangelo."

Raph's Flashback

Raph: "It's always hard to control my anger, Jesus."

Jesus: "There's always a way to deal with anger, Raphael."

Leo's Flashback

Leo: "It's hard to lead my team, when they just don't listen."

Jesus: "Just keep trying, and you we be the greatest leader they need you to be."

End of Flashback

The turtles were holding Jesus' body long enough.

When they let go, Joseph and Nicodemus wrapped the body with clean linen cloth.

Donnie: "Can we carry the body the body."

Nicodemus: "Go ahead."

The turtles took the wrapped body and started carrying it to the tomb, Jesus will be buried.

At the Tomb, the team prepared a funeral for their fallen friend.

When the turtles and Joseph and Nicodemus arrived, they put down the body, and Joseph and Nicodemus placed it in the tomb.

The women who Jesus loved were there too.

Martha: "I wish we had enough time to anoint the body."

Mary: "We'll come back when the Sabbath is over."

Mary (Sister of Lazarus): " But that will be three days from now."

Mary: "It is all we can do."

Joseph and Nicodemus came out of the tomb and began to roll a large round stone in front of the entrance of the tomb.

Cream walked to the stone and put flowers on the ground.

Rarity kissed her fingers and press them against the stone.

The team then walked away, sad and crying for the loss of Jesus. Leo turned to the tomb one last time and left with them.

To be continued...

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles belonged to Nickelodeon

My Little Pony Equestria Girls belongs to Hasbro

Sonic belongs to Sega

Teen Titans Go belongs to DC universe 

Joseph, Nicodemus, Mary, Martha, Mary belong to the Bible

Teenage Equestrian Ninja Titans: The First EasterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora