Let's Party [9]

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¨Wistyyyyy.....wake up¨

¨Come on Darling get up¨

¨Wakey wakey¨

¨Yoohoo get uppp¨

I Shook my head, squinting my eyes closed more. My head was swimming and my body was hot. I could feel the droplets of water across my forehead. My eyes fluttered open slowly, making out the blurred shapes in front of me before shutting quickly as i threw my arm over my eyes, groaning. ¨Too bright¨ i muttered turning away from them. I was on something soft and cushiony. Like a couch. I was on someone's couch..That's when it hit me.

I shot up like a bullet pushing myself past the boys before falling to my knees, grabbing my head. The little white specks in my vision were like snowflakes, but my body felt like fire.The pounding in my head surrounded my eyes, it felt like knives around my entire skull. Before i knew it i felt someone grabbing my arms, trying to lift me from the floor.

¨No..Let me go please..¨ My voice was quiet and i could barely make out the words..i just wanted them to let me go.

¨Hey stop its okay im not going to hurt you¨ I knew that voice, but it wasn't Dwayne's. I fought weakly against him, trying to push him away but his grip was like steel, i couldn't get away. I was terrified, i've seen the posters around the boardwalk. If i could get away i could go to the police, i didn't know who was holding me but i knew Dwayne and he brought me here.

After a few minutes of mumbling and trying to get away i finally gave in, i was too weak to fight anymore. I felt my body relax as i was placed back on the couch. It turned away from them again, if i was going to die i wasn't going to watch them do it.

¨Here¨ I felt a hand on my back as something cold was placed on my head ¨JUst relax, we aren't going to hurt you, just chill¨ I opened my eyes slowly despite my heads plea not to, i blinked away the fuzziness around the figures and my eyes quickly locked with Dwayne.

I reached my hand up slowly, looking at the wet rag that was on my forehead. I was confused at first, before the same voice, almost next to my ear, spoke ¨We found you on the beach, you passed out..¨ he trailed off like there was something else before he glanced at Dwayne.

¨I think i had a panic attack or something.¨ I sat up crossing my legs and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear before looking up at him. It was the curly headed blonde from before, he gave me a smile, sympathetic smile. I smiled back before looking around the lot ¨Thank you guys..¨

¨Ah don't stress about it babe, a cute broad like yourself asleep on the beach? Couldn't tell you the number of things that could've gone wrong¨ The Other long haired blonde boy spoke up. I just nodded looking back down. ¨Still thank you..¨

¨Paul¨ He winked sticking his hand out. I chuckled shaking it.

¨Marko¨The curly Q beside me spoke up again

¨You know Dwayne and...that recluse over there is David¨ he pointed to another blonde, the one in all black leather and cropped hair.

¨Nice to meet you guys¨ I lit up ¨Im-¨

¨Wisteriaa¨ Paul dragged out laughing, pulling a joint out and lighting up, offering it to Marko. ¨Yep¨

After a small period of silence from me, chatter from paul and Marko, and brooding looks from Dwayne i stood up, grabbing their attention. ¨Thank you guys for helping me, but i really need to go home, my aunt is probably worried about me.¨

¨Ahhh come on it's only 10, you were only out for a minute¨ Paul explained. Plopping down beside me offering me a hit. I reluctantly took it, breathing in the thick smoke. They all looked me over, waiting on my response i guess. I let the smoke out slowly handing it back to Paul.  

¨Why not¨ and with that small phrase, the boys erupted in cheers and smiles, even Dwayne cracked a small grin as i looked over to him, winking. ¨Lets Party!¨

I AM SO SORRY for the slow update. I have been dealing with testing and band and I've just been so busy. But I organized all of my computer files and Chapter nine is now up!
Let me know how you like it because the next chapter starts to get more into Dwayne and Wisty. ❤️ Much love

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