Chapter 16 - Deceleration

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I wrote what I thought would be perfect. I wanted every pony to know what I meant. I was silent as I did so, or so I amused as I heard her voice.

"My king?" She asked.

"Sombra." I said, not looking at her. She no long had to call me King this or King that. I wanted her to say my name. 

"Um..What do you have written so far." She asked. I put the quill down and pushed it to her. I had written half a scroll, I hoped she liked it. I even talked about her at the end but she just looked at me. Was she a fast reader? 

"No." She said. I grew mad. What does she mean by no? 

"You dare question your king." I said angrily. I wanted her answer, now!

"No, of course not my king..." "Sombra." I said interrupting her. I might be mad at her but I still wanted her to call me by my name.

"Um, but this is...well your going at it all wrong." She said. I moved a bit in my chair. I wasn't use to ponies being so...honest with me. 

"How so?" I asked. I tried to hide my nervelessness but she smiled and grabbed a new scroll. 

"Just wait OK." She said, taking the quill and started to write. I watched her, reading over she shoulder. 

Dear Equestria,

I, King Sombra, wish to let you all know that I have called war upon the land. Dividing the land was a mistake and I will right that mistake. I do not wish to fight, but I will do so if it calls for that but understand this:

Any pony that stands in my way will meet there untimely death.

King Sombra.

She dropped the quill and pushed the scroll to me. He read it over again. It was good, but one part I didn't agree with.

"No. I do not care if all of Equestria dies." I said. She let out a small laugh.

"My king..." "Sombra." I said interrupting her again. I heard her sigh.

"My King Sombra, as I was..." No. Just Sombra." I said and the room grew quiet. Too quiet.

"Just call me Sombra. No king." I said. I was scared to look at her, but I hoped she was smiling.

"Um..OK...Sombra. Like I was saying. You send that to the Princess's letting them think you will send this out across the land, letting there guard down. Once they do, you attack." She said.

"No. We attack. I can't do this alone pet." I said, standing up. She smiled. 

"Follow me." I said and walked out the door. She was right behind me. I walked out onto the balcony. I saw my kingdom and subjects. They looked miserable. I smiled before I spoke. 

"Ponies of the Crystal Empire!" I said using a voice amplifier spell. I saw the ponies quiver in fear, as they should. 

"We will be going to war on Equestria. You are all now in my army. I will give further details shortly but for now, I want you to meet your general, (y/n)!" I shouted. The ponies nodded and continued to work on the orders I gave them. 

"What!" She screamed. I looked at her.

"Who else would I pick?" I asked. It was a fair question. She was the only pony I trusted and i saw her smile at me.

"Sombra, I don't know what to say." She said. I smiled at her.

"You can get back at everyone that has hurt you." I said but frowned a bit. I know one of the ponies she must hate.

"Even me." I admitted but she frowned as she looked at me.

"Sombra, you never laughed." She said. I looked at her in her beautiful eyes. Maybe it was a mistake, maybe this all was a mistake.

"But I hurt you, badly. Maybe it was a mistake to make you general." I said, turning but she stopped me.

"Sombra." She said and I turned to look at her. She was now bowing to me. I didn't know what to do.

"My king, please allow me to serve you." She said. I looked at her. She wanted to serve me. To be by my side. To be with me. I put a hoof under her chin and let her stand. 

"(y/n)..." I said once she was and I kissed her. 

It was like father said. 

It felt right. 

Your bad luck is my good luck (Sombra x Reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now