Chapter 18 - War

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"Sombra!" She yelled but Celestia blocked her. I glared at Celestia. How dare she stand in between what is mine. 

"Now with him here, you will be banished." She said. I heard (y/n) growl but the elements of harmony blocked her. I closed my eyes and teleported behind (y/n). They all stopped when they were doing and gasped. (Y/n) turned and saw me. I was looking at the others but i knew my army was taking down Equestria.    

"Sombra!" Celestia yelled and I looked at her. 

"Your too late. (y/n) has been drained of her earth pony strength." She said. I smiled. Maybe I can do my original plan. 

"Perfect." I said. I heard the elements of harmony scream and I know they were just taken down.  

"You see. I'm glad you captured (y/n). You lead yourself and all of Equestria to its doom. I now will rule." I said but Luna jumped into the sky and fired a blast of magic at me. I closed my eyes and casted an adsorption spell. Luna landed with a shock face and I smiled, before changeling it and firing it back at her. Luna was blasted back and hit a pillar, falling to the ground. I ran up and put my horn to her forehead. Luna, who was struggling to get away fell to the ground once more.

"Next time know your enemy." I said and stood.    

"Sister...He took my power." Luna said and I turned around, a scowl on my face as I took a step foreword. 

"I'm also glad you captured (y/n) because now, I do have a reason to hurt you." I said and brought my hind leg down, smashing Luna's wing. Luna screamed out in pain. It was music to my ears.

"Luna!" Celestia yelled. Cadence flew at me but I moved just in time to kick her. She flew back and landed near Celestia.

I started to walk up to them slowly, anger filling my body still. but then (y/n) shouted.

"I won't let you hurt Sombra!" She yelled. Celestia growled and smacked her. I watched her fall to the ground, blood coming out of her mouth. I snapped and ran over Cadence while she was distracted and threw her to the ground. She screamed but I took her powers before she could do anything and moved, walking to Celestia who was backing up. I helped (y/n) up.

"You OK pet." I asked. She wasn't bleeding as bad and nodded. I sighed but looked at Celestia. 

"Give me my Earth pony strength back." She demanded. I smiled at her determination. 

"Never." Celestia said. I smirked. I was hoping she would say that.

"Have it your way." I said closed my eyes and teleported.

"Where are you?" I heard Celestia yell. I appeared behind her. 

"Right here." I said and as she turned, I moved, putting my horn to her forehead. She screamed before falling. I smiled and walked over to my pet.

"(y/n)." I said. She smiled at me.

"Sombra." She said. I knew right that that she would be my queen.   

Your bad luck is my good luck (Sombra x Reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now