15 | JANET

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It took a few hours to stabilise my mind, to get my mind thinking of something other than blood, ever since I let my instincts take over.

Having not drunk blood before, as soon as I did, I felt a rush of something akin to adrenaline, tingling in every part of my body.

"See, it wasn't that bad." Riley said, as he comforted me. He stood behind me, his hands moving up my arms, to my shoulder blades, massaging the stress away from my body.

I still felt guilty, and I had a instinctual feeling that that guilt wasn't to go away. I sighed, but turned to face him, "I guess."

He looked at me in concern, but I pecked his check with reassurance, making him let out a breath of relief, before he took my hand once again.

He brought me to where Bree was, huddled in a corner waiting for me. I bent down, and opened my arms, gesturing for a hug. In response, she came running at me, jumping up and cuddling my waist, like I'd been gone for years.

I chuckled, my mouth turning into a smile. I tried to move, but held on to me, with no plan of letting go, anytime soon. I glanced back at Riley, who smirked at my predicament.

Howls of the other vampires rose Riley to attention, his smirk dropped, and he stepped forward. Bree hugged my waist harder than before, something I though impossible.

Seeing her reaction to him, he smiled gently at me before walking past us to what resembled the doorway.

He turned at the last minute, and spoke to both of us.

"We are leaving soon. Make sure you're ready for what may happen."

ROSES ARE RED • J.Volturi (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now