Chapter 2, Memories

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The tears were rolling down my cheeks as I ran faster.
"Kim! Kim!" I heard Jack shout from behind me.
All I could think about as I ran was the promise Jack he made to me when I left.

"Jack, I'm going to miss you." I say the tears slightly pricking at my eyes.
"I'm going to wait for you, no matter what." Jack said hugging me pulling me closer to his chest.
"Promise?" I ask.
He pulled away holding onto my shoulders, before using one hand to move my face up so I'm looking right into his chocolate brown eyes, "Promise." He kissed me as cherry blossom tree leaves started to fall around us.

~Back to the present~

I ran to the beach where me and Jack had our last talk before I left for Otai, I ducked behind the beach hut as I looked over the ocean. The tears still silently rolled down my cheeks as they soaked in. Jack broke his promise, he didn't wait for me. I was gone for four years, I really could blame him to be honest as much as I hate Donna Tobin, I couldn't blame her either, Jack was one hell of a guy, there was no way he wouldn't have gotten a girlfriend while I was away. Why did I even think he would wait for me? Why did I believe that he liked me enough to wait four years for me? No matter how I said it, it still hurt me to know that he was with one of the people I hate the most. I really thought he would wait for me no matter how long I was away for. It was just stupid to think that he would actually want and would wait for me...

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