Chapter 11, Visitor

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~Kim's PoV~
Yesterday was eventful to say the least, I woke up at 10am and began to take a shower the hot water dripping down my back as I stepped out, I grabbed black jeans and a pink top and had a white sweater ties around my waist just in case I got company later on. I tied my hair up into a messy bun before I lay down on the couch, I hadn't ate in a day and a half but honestly it didn't bother me, I wanted to loose a little weight anyway. I snuggles myself up on the couch as I heard the doorbell going.
"Come in!" I shouted as I put my sweater in that I previously had tied to my waist. I looked over to see Milton.
"Oh Hey Milton!" I said with a smile as he looked at me and smiled.
"I hope you don't mind I brought some friends.." Milton said as I looked over at the door.
Jerry walked in with Mika, I ran up and hugged the living daylights out of Mika as I seen someone appear behind her, not just one person but two, Jack and Donna. I let go of Mika and stood beside her as Donna looked at me, she looked disgusted. How could Milton be so inconsiderate and being Jack and Donna to my house?! Jack I can stand at a push, like a really big push but Donna?!
"Oh Kim, I see you look as horrible as ever." Donna snootily replied.
I lost it and ran up the stairs quickly running into my room, I did look horrible I said as I looked myself in the mirror, I shit the door behind me as I sat down on my bed. I took off my white sweater as I placed it to the side. I repositioned my hair before going into my bedside cabinet and grabbing my knife. I held it to my arm as I thought about Donna and Jack. You look as horrible as ever. Her voice played over and over in my head as I picture them kissing in my head. The tears pricked at my eyes as the blade touched my skin, I didn't hold it strongly enough towards my skin to pierce it as someone ran into the door and took the knife out my hands. It was Milton.
"I knew this was a bad idea!" Milton said scolding himself as he hugged onto me. "I'm so sorry Kim."
I dried my eyes as I stood up, "It's fine I just need some fresh air.." I said as I grabbed a new hoodie, it was black and had long sleeves and a large hood, I put it on as I pulled it over my face before walking out of my room, I went down the stairs as I quietly snuck around the corner, Jerry, Milton, Mika and Jack's faces were all filled with guilt, but Donna looked happy she enjoyed seeing me in pain.
Jack and Milton spotted me as I went out the back door, my black hood was up and I began to walk out. You look as horrible as ever. It continued to replay in my mind as I walked, I didn't know where to go nor did I know who I should talk to about it. I didn't want Milton getting any more involved than he already was, but who was there for me?
I decided to go to the mall and to Phil's, I sat on my own until I seen Joan the mall cop come over,
"What's wrong soul sister?" Joan asked studying my face, the silent tears rolled down as she slid in beside me wiping them from my face.
"I-" I said as I sighed, "I came home and was excited to see Jack but I saw him kiss Donna and now he hates me and-"
"He doesn't hate you Kim." Joan said looking at me sincerely.
"How do you know that for sure?" I said questionably.
"I was talking to Rudy and he was talking about how Jack had been beating himself up for what happened, nothing ever happened between them she seen you and kissed him to make you jealous." Joan said.
"Oh my- I've been such a jerk to Jack and it isn't his fault!" I said standing up and making my way out of Phil's restaurant.
I ran as fast as I could to my house, running as fast as my legs could take me, practically running a marathon until I made it back to my house. When I got back I burst through the front door to be greeted with an empty house, I sighed in defeat as I slumped myself down in between the doorframe. I put my hands on my head before closing my eyes. I bolted my head up when I heard a creek on the patio to see Jack there.
"Uh hey, Kim I need to talk to you." Jack said nervously.
"Yeah same.." I said with a weak smile.
He looked surprised as he helped lift me up.
"So do you want to go first?" I said nervously as we stood on the patio outside.
"Yeah lets go inside though." Jack said as he motioned me to go in first I went in as jack appeared through the door as I sit it behind him.
"So.." I said.
"Kim, I love you I didn't mean to do anything to harm you and I promise I don't like Donna and she just kissed me out of the blue, it'll always be you Kim, you're the one for me."

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