Chapter 8, The Tournament

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It had been several days since the incident with me cutting myself, only Milton knew and I knew him well enough to know that he wouldn't tell the guys. Milton respected my privacy even if it's serious like this and I liked that about him.

I had been at the Black Dragon dojo every day this week, I really wanted to be prepared to fight against Jack, Brody came up with a great idea of him not seeing it is me because one, he would want to talk to me, two, he wouldn't give him all because I'm a girl and three, I wanted to see the surprised look on his face when someone beats him.
It was the day if the competition and I was really excited, I got ready in the girls locker room at the back of the black dragon's dojo. I looked at myself in the mirror as I pulled the ninja looking mask over my face hiding my hair too. Jack would know what hit him.

I sat down on the bench as Jack and the rest of the gang entered along with Donna Tobin. What the hell was she doing here?! It actually made me angry that he had the audacity to bring her here, I clenched up my fists as Jack stood up ready to spar against Brody.
Brody stood up before saying "Actually Jack, as much as I like to fight against you, someone else will be today." I could tell he was smirking even though I couldn't see his face.
Jack looked surprised before I stood up, he glared over at me before stepping back and he chuckled, "Eh I don't care we always beat you anyway not like a new person is going to be shy different."
Anger boiled up inside me as I looked over at Donna Tobin, I stormed over to Brody before Brody said, "You'll beat him he won't know what hit him."
I nodded before turning around to Jack, we bowed and the fight began.
Jack tried to kick my side as I quickly dodged it with ease, he also tried a punch and I dodged that with ease as well, I quickly did my signature combo that I learned back in Utai, it was always unbeatable and the good thing was, was that I came up with it so it isn't even taught in Utai but my Sensei there thought the combo was amazing! Jack was now on the ground in astonishment as I grinned.
"Wha-How!" Jack said in astonishment, I looked over to the gang to see their faces in shock as I walked back over to the Black Dragons. Jack got up as Rudy went to help him, I could tell that Rudy was confused as well as Jack as they all sat together coming up with a new plan, it was what we would do every time our first plan didn't go as expected so it was pretty much guaranteed that that is what they were doing. What were they planning was the only question on my mind...

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