63. The charm of the vampire cater

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Severus and a few others at the staff table looked at Harry confused.
"You find the behavior of these idiots funny?"
"Severus, please," Dumbledore said. What the Potions Master ignored, though.
Harry glanced around the hall, his eyes almost dropping out of his head.
"Um, no, I did not mean that. I spoke of the HA. "
"Who is the HA?"
"Ah, I completely forgot that. At the last DA meeting, we decided to rename our group. we are now called Hogwarts Army, short HA. For the Ministry, we will continue to be the DA. "
Harry winked at his husband.
"You probably want to annoy Fudge on purpose."
"Not me, but us. We all decided that. Besides that fits. After all, you have not done anything else for years. "
severus only raised his eyebrow while McGonagall groaned softly.
"So you noticed?"
"You do not need to be a Sherlock for that. It's quite obvious that Hogwarts and the ministry are making life difficult for each other where possible. "
"Yes, only we do it in a legal way."
that growl came from Hagrid, who was still mad at the politicians who had not admitted him to the exams.

Dumbledore had to grin. Yes, it was true Hogwarts had formed a solid alliance against the ministry for over a hundred years. and all the ministers' attempts to get even one teacher on their side have so far been unsuccessful.
That had again shown at the beginning of the year, because actually Fudge did not intend to send anybody from the Ministry. however, his attempts at bribery and threats to the teachers had shown absolutely no success.
It was also the case that every teacher in this school knew who was hiding behind Schnuffel. But they also knew that the former Auror was innocent. Sirius had voluntarily taken Veritaserum before the last conference and answered all the questions about the Potters attack. A task that should have been taken over by the Ministry.
that was another reason his teachers had a grudge against Fudge and his colleagues.

Harry chuckled again, drawing attention to himself.
"Actually funny, if you think properly. The minister has actually been trying for years to bring the members of a family against each other. After all, you are nothing else. "
The Vampirkater grinned happily in the round.
"That's right," McGonagall said.
Flitwick's face was also grinning.
"A family that sticks together, gets its hands on it and takes care of their children."
In the last part, the little wizard saw the students.
"Arguing is good. I hope for you that you will never end up on our women's screen, "the director grumbled into his beard.
that resulted in a collective laugh.

Harry, however, had discovered something. Before him on the table piled up a variety of delicacies. He greedily grabbed a cup of hot chocolate. and when he tasted it, he realized that Severus had been right, he could taste sweet again.
Enthusiastically he drank his cup in big swallows. He noticed that the cocoa had apparently tried to turn into mousse au chocolat, but had given up halfway.
Afterwards he made his obligatory coffee and devoured some fruits, which he dipped in chocolate sauce.
"Mmh, yummy, that was sure Dobby and Winky."
"For sure. Looks like we have to visit the honeydukes on the weekend. "
Severus watched in fascination as his husband handled all the sweets. However, without forgetting his table manners. a quality that many other students unfortunately did not possess.
However, some of them were now too distracted by Harry's sight to pay attention to their food. Something that made Seveus growl.
his thoughts, however, were interrupted by Dumbledore, who turned to the newly-transformed:
"Harry, would you like a lemon drop?"
So he gave the boy already one of those sweet atrocities. and to Severus, and also to the other, finishing took the thing too.
"Thank you, director."
"Albus !!"
All the teachers punished their superiors. Aurora began to rant.
"Really, Albus, just because of MrSnape has developed a passion for sweets through his genes, you do not have to spoil it right away. "
The director preferred to pout.

At some point Harry started to grumble.
"Stupid thing. And I stick with it, I look like a girl. "
while he was still scolding himself, the boy took off his glasses and pulled out his wand.
After a brief spell, he replaced her with his hands, his fists open slightly, beside the stirrups.
"Yes, that's the way it is."
Half the hall had watched the whole thing excited. and at the gesture of the vampire came again from many sides a "CUUUTE".
It was Remus who asked:
"Harry, what have you just done?"
"My stupid eyelashes have lengthened so much that they were constantly bumping into the glasses."
Suddenly, Harry felt something on his thigh. When he looked down he was looked at by big faithful dog eyes.
"Morning, Snuffles. Slept well?"
The dog nodded and Harry began to stroke his head.
"Oh yes, Professor Dumbledore. How are the Weasleys? I hear Mr. Weasley has to stay at the hospital until Christmas. "
immediately the attention turned to the director.
"Yes, that's right, but without your warning, much more could have happened. Arthur could only defend himself so well, because his magic was completely restored by the potion. He would hardly have survived without that. however, the Burrow was completely destroyed. But the Order will rebuild it. This time with much higher protection spells than before. And by then they will be staying at headquarters. Oh yes, Severus, we managed to get four Death Eaters. unfortunately not wearing, but at least. Would you brew again a potion to the magic withdrawal? "
Severus nodded grimly. And if he would do that.

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