126. Stubborn, stubborn, the Snapes

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It was not as easy as Severus had imagined it would be with Reconciliation. Harry consistently avoided his husband. That started at breakfast the next day.
As soon as Severus entered the room, Harry got up from the table and disappeared. and he used his cat skills so Severus could not catch up with him.
"I'll get you," grumbled the potions master.
However, he had made the bill without his stubborn man. He did not come out of his new room the rest of the day. the house-elves brought him the food but otherwise he did not let himself be seen.
"How long will he be able to last?" Severus wanted to know about Dobby.
He shrugged his shoulders.
"When I stopped him from going back to school because it was too dangerous for him, not even a wall stopped him. And I made sure he ran against it. So I would say, very long, "he looked questioningly at Winky.
"He never gave up on me either. And even though I totally gave myself up to alcohol. But our Harry can be very stubborn in every way. He did not give up until I swore off the bottle. And you see how well I feel now. "
Unfortunately, those were things that Severus just did not want to hear. And he also expressed that:
"It's very nice when he helps someone out of his hole with his stubbornness, but this is ridiculous. He behaves like a little kid. "
"Um, I do not like to say it, but you treated him like a little kid the last time," Dobby said.
"Which side are you on?"
The House Elves threw themselves a resigned look. That could take a long time.
"We are not on any side, you both behave childishly. You can only clear your argument by talking to each other, "Winky tried to influence the man.
"Then I hex him on a chair, then he has to listen to me."
"Good idea, and while you're at it, you could feed him and change the diapers," Dobby growled.
"What do you want to say again?"
"Harry is your man, you can not force him to talk to you. nothing will be better, he will just keep on stubborn. "
Unfortunately, Dobby's words fell on deaf ears.
"We'll see that later. If he wants to behave like a stubborn teenager, then I'll treat him like that. "
The teacher got up and left the room.

the elves could hear he was on the way up.
"That will not go well," sighed Dobby.
"Probably we will have the next few weeks still very much enjoy the two. They are just too stubborn. Everyone is right and does not want to yield a millimeter. "
"And what we do?"
Winky shrugged.
"Nothing, if we interfere, we also get into the line of fire. Let's just do our job, to take care of the rest yourself. Harry's grown up now, it's about time Severus understands that. "
"Then let's pray to all nature gods that Severus sees quickly, or that Harry is ready for a conversation."
Sullenly, the two got back to work. To be honest, they looked very black for the next time.

severus stopped in front of Harry's door and started knocking.
"Who's there?"
"Santa, open or you will not get presents," Severus grumbled.
"Thanks, but I've got more from you lately than is good for me," it came back.
"Harry, open the door, I do not feel like talking to you through a piece of wood."
"Then you have to go, because I do not think to open you," it came back venomously.
"It's enough for me, if you do not come out voluntarily, then I'll just come in."
a mocking laugh came to the answer:
"These doors can withstand just about any magic. I have read the history of this property. Very wise your ancestors. Since you can cut off a piece of it. "
Severus started cursing:
"You are worse than at the age of eleven. How can you be so rebellious? "
The only answer he got was a spell. When Severus checked which his man had spoken, he almost blew himself up.
"A Silencing Charm, it just silenced me."
Angrily, Severus stomped out of the house and tried it in front of his husband's window.
"I feel like Romeo trying to lure a bitchy Julia to the balcony. Stubborn hangover. "
Of course, his spells had no effect here either. and when he humbled himself to come up with a levitation spell, Harry had his forehead simply pulling the curtains.
Severus wanted to scream. He had not been so stubborn for a long time, but he would not give up. At some point, the vampire killer had to leave the room, and then he had him.

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