85. Rose-Manor

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After Harry accompanied his friends to the station, he immediately jumped on the back of one of the Thestrals and rode back to the castle.
"Wings, please take me to our apartment quickly."
The animal immediately took off and flew with his rider towards the forest. from there it continued on the ground. As a result, the vampire counsel also learned how his four-legged friends always came to the castle.
In the forest he jumped from the back of his mount.
"Thank you my dear."
He gave the animal another kiss on the muzzle, then he turned around.
immediately it went on into the apartment.

The Potions Master came out of the common bedroom at the loud cry.
"Hey, Kitten, why are you screaming like that?"
Harry was able to brake just in time before stumbling into his man.
"Before I took the others to the station, Malfoy came to us."
"I assume you mean Draco?"
"Yes, and he had some very disturbing news for us."
"In other words, they are good for him."
Harry stamped his foot.
"Would you please stop saying the obvious, that's annoying."
Severus looked at his little one with wide eyes.
He squirmed under the look.
"I'm sorry, but the meeting was really not nice."
"Alright, what did he say?"
"He will join the Death Eaters during the holidays."
severus relaxed again.
"That can not be done, Riddle only accepts full-year wizards."
"I told him that too. But Sev, he does not lie, I could smell it very clearly. The bastard is incredibly looking forward to being branded like cattle. and that is not even the worst. "
Now the Potions master was really worried.
"What is worse than having this toad with the Death Eaters?"
"He said he will eliminate his father. well, that's not what he said, but I realize it will come down to that. "
The jailer sat down and pulled his baby next to him.
"Can you explain that more exactly?"
"It's best you look at it."
Harry pointed to his temple, which astonished Severus.
"For sure?"
the little one nodded.
Severus drew his wand.
Immediately the teacher saw the whole conversation at the lake. When he retired, he could see directly into his little boy's scared eyes.
"Kitten, please do not worry too much. Of course, the git says now, but I do not think it will be that bad. Especially because he just blurted out everything. "
"And what about the family secrets? Do the Malfoys really have that many? "
"Most old families have those. Mine is no exception. "
"Great, then he really has to hurt his father."
"He likes to do that, but who says that Lucius will dedicate Draco to the secrets?"
"Does not he have to do that?"
Severus stroked his husband's ears.
"No, kid, he does not have to. besides, Narcissa can still get pregnant, then Draco sees through the tube. "
"So far she has not."
"But that can still be. And one thing Draco forgot. Even if he is privy to the secrets of his family, he is far from getting his money. You have explained that to me yourself. "
Harry shook his head.
"He does not come to the dungeons of the family, but everything he deserves now is freely accessible to him."
"That's right, I completely forgot that."
Harry got up and nervously tiptoeed about the room.
Severus looked worried as his man turned around.
"If you are so worried then I will write a letter to Lucius and warn him."
Immediately he had the Vampire's full attention again.
"And how are you going to send him the letter without Riddle and Co.what do you notice? "
The Potions Master cocked his head.
"I thought I was asking Fawkes to deliver him."
"Fawkes will say no."
"Why should he do that? So far he has never refused. "

Now, Harry smiled.
He reached for Severus' hand and led him to the bird's pole where Hedwig was sitting.
"My Beauty, may I show Severus your secret?"
The owl looked from one to the other then nodded. Harry led his husband's hand and let him feel the abdomen of the owl.
"Can you feel that?"
that's what the man did.
"She's carrying an egg." He said, surprised.
"Exactly, and as you can see from Fawke's gaze, he is the father. And thus he will deliver no letters in the near future. At least not until his chick has not hatched. "
"Of course I can understand that. then I will ask Dobby. Maybe he can deliver the letter. "
Harry nodded enthusiastically.

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