107. Fighter for .... Malfoy

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In the evening, Sirius and Remus came to visit Snape's. Sirius could not stop complaining about his new job.
"Black, you are only one day minister. What can have happened since bad? "Severus wanted to know unnerved.
"You still ask that? I had scarcely taken over this office of hell, came immediately a host of politicians and wanted everything possible from me. Some even a salary increase. For what? For bilateral nose drilling? Then I had to take care of Fudge and these Aurors. "
Harry cocked his head.
"What do you think? The Aurors have already been punished. "
"Yes, but I can not use her in the field now. They are all sad and it will not be long before depression spreads to them. What would happen if I sent them on a criminal hunt? "
"Understand, and what do they have to do now?" Asked the Vampirkater.
"Inside sales. Write reports and similar crap. Nobody likes that, but it's not dangerous. "
Remus looked at Severus thoughtfully.
"What is it, Wolf?" He wanted to know.
"I was just wondering if you really want to keep the punishment until the end of life for these people?"
Severus looked at Harry. They had already talked about it.
"No," Severus sighed. "In the beginning I wanted it but it seemed like too heavy a punishment. actually both of us. They will have to wear the amulets for 20 years, then we'll see. I will grant probation to each of them. If they behave, then the punishment is over. If not, well, they'll get their jewelry back. "
the werewolf nodded, that sounded reasonable.
"And, what about Fudge?" It came again from Harry.
"I initiated criminal proceedings against him. I want to know if it was really just a mistake he had not deprived Umbridge of his authority. but even if the man should tell the truth of a punishment he will not escape. He never called this woman to account for her crimes. She was only suspended. I can not leave it that way. And everyone agrees with me in the Council. no wonder, there are also parents whose children had to suffer under Umbridge. "

Severus thought that was a very reasonable approach. The former minister had really made a lot of mistakes, but letting a woman off the hook that was torturing children was inexcusable.
"What about the civilians involved in the raid?"
Sirius smirked at Severus.
"They had a nice panic when I suddenly stood in front of them. After all, everyone knows that I am the godfather of Harry. And then I was in Azkaban for many more years. Some think I'm as insane as Belatrix. "
Severus rolled his eyes in exasperation.
"Well, I'm not interested in your effect on these idiots, I want to know what you intend to do with this breed?"
"You're not fun at all, but please. they will all have to serve a short prison sentence. But that's not enough. To make amends, each and every one of them will have to work a time in St. Mungo's. And in the station of the 'covers'. "
Harry looked confusedly between the three men.
"What's this?"
"This is a department that looks after the Dementors' victims. No matter if it was originally a criminal or a respectable citizen. This does not matter to soulless people. They're all the same in the truest sense of the word, "Remus told him.
"Do not the relatives care about the victims?" Harry asked.
"Not all. Especially because it is very exhausting. You can not leave such a person unattended. "Severus said.
Harry growled.
"Reminds me somehow of a retirement home in which some deport their parents."
"But you can not always take care of these people. Often you need trained staff. It's also a big burden for the relatives. "
Harry leaned against his husband.
"Of course you are right. I just keep seeing the reports in my mind's eye that I sometimes saw on the Dursleys on TV. In some institutions conditions often prevail, you can not imagine that. "
severus took his husband in his arms and kissed him on the forehead. He also knew such reports. After all, the wizarding world was no better than the world of muggle just because they had magic. Even if their deficits were mostly in other areas.

Sirius waited until his godchild had calmed down the sooner he continued.
"After this forced service, each of them will have to write a report about the people affected. What the state of health of the patients is, what you have to do everything for them. And what about her magic. also how often do you get visitors and how you take care of them. Actually more like an essay. "
"That means you want to kill two birds with one stone?" Harry concluded.
"What does that have to do with flying?" The new minister wanted to know confused.
severus and Remus shook their heads laughing.
"That's just a saying of the Muggle," the werewolf explained. "What Harry wants to say is that this way you can also see how the healers look after their patients."
"That's how it was planned. Tonks gave me the idea. Luckily, the woman is as intelligent as she is shrewd. "
"Hey, according to Neville's grandma, she is not so clumsy anymore," Harry defended the young woman immediately.
"True, she has really improved. In any case, these are the first things I have to take care of in my new office. After that I will cleanse the Ministry of all Death Eaters. And I'll start with Lucius Malfoy. "

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