138. Again among the living

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The magical world was almost overjoyed in the next few days.
,As soon as the end of the war was announced, as the dark magician was finally caught, people were celebrating on the streets or where they were right now without worrying about the secrecy agreement. the ministry had its hands full trying to keep the over-worked wizards and witches in check. Although of course everyone could understand the enthusiasm. Therefore, penalties were also waived.
Everyone now wanted the execution of Tom Riddle, but here the minister stood in the cross. Sirius thought that Dumldedore's idea was much more appropriate to punish this monster.

From the whole hustle and bustle, the people in the infirmary at Hogwarts got very little. Of course, Severus and Narcissa had been informed that the war was over, but that only interested them marginally. Even the newspaper read them only out of sense of duty.
They were talking about their partners and that they woke up again.
the potions master and the businesswoman only left their companions to visit the bath, to eat, to sleep briefly, or to feed the triplets. And even then they took turns. Lucius and Harry were never alone. That did not bring their partners over the heart. Now that the two men were finally back with them, Severus and Narcissa did not want to leave them unattended for even a second. A speck of dust could break loose from the wall and fall on it.

For three days now, Severus was sitting with his little vampire father and talking to him, holding him, just showing his lover that he was there. And slowly the dungeon master noticed slight changes.
"He'll wake up soon," he informed Narcissa.
the woman looked at her longtime friend and companion.
"That's his nature, a normal person would be in a coma for weeks," she sighed.
"A normal person would not have survived the killing curse."
"He has not survived him," the woman reminded him.
remembering that his little one was not immune to the curse, but actually died, Severus still pulled himself together.
"Kid, never do that again," he whispered to his husband in the pelvis.
"Can not promise," came the soft reply.
"Harry, you are awake!"Immediately, Severus straightened up so that he could look his man in the eye. Or it could, Harry would not have closed his eyes.
"Yes, is it bright?", The cat wanted to know from his husband.
"It's day," informed him, only then Severus was clear, whereupon his little wanted out.
"I will dim the light."
"Thank you."
Only after Severus had turned down the light, the cat was persuaded to open his eyes.
"Water," he croaked.
Meanwhile Poppy was with them and handed the boy the desired.
"Nice careful, yes?"
"How is Lucius?" Harry asked after drinking.

From the side you could hear a soft laugh.
Narcissa could not help herself when the boy woke up just days later, was certainly in pain, was still wearing bandages and was weak, but he was already worried about others.
"He is still asleep, but thanks to your present, it will only take a few more days than you to live again," the woman informed him.
Harry had turned his head slightly to look at the bed in which the blond was lying.
"You have an incredibly brave man, Narcissa."
Actually, the woman had thought she had no tears in the meantime, and now came this sentence, from Harry. The recognition and respect she had heard from his voice made her open again.
"Thanks," she gasped, she raised her husband's hand and breathed a kiss on it.
Harry gave his husband a questioning look.
"It's all good, but not many people have ever appreciated Lucius so much. in fact neither he nor Narcissa are used to such praise. So far, they have always been the bad guys, "he told his husband.
"They both are so brave," Harry said.
Poppy smiled.
"Yes, they are, you should have seen how Narcissa behaved during your kidnapping. Although she was very worried about her husband and you too, she has kept her composure for her children. "
The women had arrived in the last few days by their first name. they knew each other well enough by now.
"Then only Luc has to wake up, and Zissa is happy."
"The nicknames are really fun for you, are not they?" Narcissa laughed in tears.
"Yeah," Harry confessed before he fell back exhausted on his bed.

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