68. In the middle of the war

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Harry was still staring at the spot where his husband had recently been standing.
"Do not worry, he'll come back."
Harry leaned in Luna's embrace.
"I know, I only hope in better shape than Mr. Weasley. No offense, people. "
the rest of the Weasleys just beckoned.
"I do not suppose you are capable of dueling today?"
"We are here to arm ourselves for a war, it does not matter how I feel."
"Maybe, but I think we've done enough today, just look at how finished they are. Should not we have some fun? "
Fred agreed with his brother.
And so they decided to eat something, relax and then fly.
In addition, everyone wanted to see Harry's new wing.
"Good, you won. But do not expect too much. I can not handle those things at all. "
"That's what you said when you healed me. And now look at my hand. "
To illustrate, George showed his flawless wrist.
"Believe me, Siam, that's different. just wait and see. "

After everyone had strengthened, they went to "outside". So in the area of ​​the room, which looked like an outdoor area.
Neville enchanted the floor so that it worked like an air cushion. that had been very much fortified during their flying lessons, because someone fell off the broom again and again.
Some were already wondering why Quiddich Square was not endowed with such a charm.
"I'll talk to Madame Hootch, maybe we can change that. At least there would not be so many more accidents. And Poppy would be happy too. Good idea, Nev. "
The shy boy visibly blushed at Georges compliment. Although he had done so this year, he had gone through the training more and more out of himself. but with the twin, his self-confidence always left him.

Harry and Luna watched this behavior with knowing glances. After all, the vampire counsel Severus behaved in the beginning exactly the same. And sometimes he still did.
It was really bad when Severus first "taught" him the importance of money.
Alright, Harry knew that money was important, and so on. But he often could not imagine the exact value of something. That's why he sometimes did not know if it was expensive or cheap.
the goblins had always helped him with the big sums and they did not need them in their daily lives.
When he had recalculated how much he had lately spent on the books - actually, it had been Sev, but no matter - almost hit him. it took him half an hour to calm him down.
Nevertheless, in the future he should probably take something back.
But it was about books !!
However, he could deal with that later, now flying was announced.

And right at the beginning there were difficulties. Harry did not know how to call his wings.
A girl from the sixth grade Huffelpuff helped him then.
"Just try to wish the wings come out. Or you imagine what they look like, then they come all by themselves. Oh, and do yourself a favor, imagine that your clothes are NOT destroyed. "
"Um, thanks for the advice, but I do not know if that works."
"It does it for me."
The girl did not hesitate for long, but just led the way.
beautiful, semi-transparent, blue wings came to light.
"Wow, Miranda, you're a dragonfly fairy."

Great wonder was the result. This fairy species was among the rarest. Nor were they, like all other fairies, vegetarians. And they lived near water. also a difference to the other species. Since normal fairies could not swim and with wet wings could not fly. Unlike the dragonfly fairies, they could even use their wings underwater.

With renewed motivation, Harry set about calling his wings.
and already on the second try it worked. Beautiful white wings spread on his back.
A polyphonic AHH and OHH could be heard.
"Harry, they are incredible."
After he had allowed it, Luna drove gently over the feathers.
"Just as soft as your coat."
"So, and now try to take off."
Miranda made it to the boy.
As Harry pushed off the ground, he literally shot himself into the air.
"Harry, not that much momentum."
"Thanks for the timely info!"
The young vampire somehow tried to regain control. with the result that he hung horizontally in the air. One wing in the air, the other hung down. His tail rowed uncontrollably.
"How do you control this thing?"
And he pointed to himself.
Only a few could bite the laughter. It was also funny. the best seeker for a hundred years could not handle his wings.
Miranda flew to him and put him back in the right position.
"Hold on to my hands. In the beginning I did not feel differently. Only I always landed in the water. much to the delight of the frogs living in it. I'll tell you, I looked like a drowned person. "
Harry reached for the girl's hands. After that he followed all her instructions. It was slow, but it worked.

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