119. Erotic hospital in the house of Snape

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Actually, it was planned to let the young people in the Grimmauldplatz. They should be treated there as all injured and be able to recover. But then you came off very quickly.
severus did not want to give up his husband and the students also wanted to stay in their familiar surroundings.
Minerva had offered Hermione to bring her to her parents. But she had flatly refused. and, since the girl was already 17, her house teacher could not say anything against it. Also, Hermione forbade anyone to tell her parents about her injury. The director even threatened to hex him in the middle of the great hall if he did not stick to it.
she did not want her parents to be worried.
Luna wanted to stay too, she was the best of them all again. She wanted to help Poppy care for the injured. Because school also fell flat for her. Everyone who was involved in the battle should first recover properly. Also mentally.
Since none of the teachers wanted the students to stay in the hospital wing and be exposed to the public, they decided to place them in their own flat.
At least that was what they intended, but Harry got Severus to let his friends stay in their apartment together.
"Well, then they can stop you from doing stupid things when I'm in class." Severus agreed.

Fred and George would go to the Snape's too. George did not want to leave his Neville alone and Fred first had to learn how to handle his regrown hand.
Hermione and Neville were still bothering with their new limbs. The healing had been incredibly painful. and in the case of Neville also not yet completely finished.
For everyone surprising was also that now also effects of the battle showed with Ron. He had met a very peculiar curse. His skin just did not stop growing. poppy had to remove it with a spell again and again. It did not hurt much but it was uncomfortable. After two days, he looked like he was wearing a coat of skin. It was already disgusting to himself. Besides, growth did not stop, it just kept going.
At the moment, the healer was looking for an antidote everywhere. Bill had also asked his colleagues if they had ever heard of such a curse. And Sirius questioned the prisoners. They only hoped that the causer was still alive.
and so they moved to their unofficial infirmary the day before the school started again.

Once again Hogwarts had intervened to help. It had created an extra room in the home of the couple Snape. one with enough beds and a fireplace that led directly to the infirmary.
Severus watched it all very disapprovingly.
"This flat is slowly taking on dimensions, that is no longer normal."
"Why are you so mad?" Harry wanted to know.
Accusingly, Severus gestured to one of the beds.
"That's why. I certainly will not sleep alone in our bed. "He grumbled.
"Do you want to move in with us?" Luna teased him.
"Do not be naughty, fairy. No, I will kidnap you Harry every night. "He prophesied.
"Room volume." Demanded, Fred.
"What did you say?" it came sharp from the potions front.
George's brother grinned.
"He's just angry because we can not retreat with our partners," he explained.
Severus thought for a while.
It was true that most of his 'guests' were already of age. And they were all in a relationship. somehow it seemed unjust to him that they should sleep there alone.
"I'm getting really soft." He sighed. "Hogwarts, can you help please? Then I can still say it's your fault. "
There was a vibration in the room that somehow reminded me of a laugh.
and already made the castle of the single double beds. And above each hung a curtain that you could draw in the night.
"Wow, marriage is good for you." Ron stated.
Severus grumbled something very incomprehensible to himself.
Harry just laughed softly. Nagini had gone to bed next to him. The rest of the flock of animals had spread to the other beds so everyone had an extra comforter.
"I'll take you with me for the night." Certain Severus picked Harry up.
Nagini already wanted to meander afterwards.
"There's nothing, there's a rule here, not animals in our bedroom."
-And what about Harry? -
The vampire killer burst into loud laughter.
"What did she say?" Severus wanted to know.
"She wants to know why I'm an exception then." Translated the.
the rest of the youth also burst out laughing and the jailer shot the snake a dirty look.
"Just keep it up and I'll use you as a potion ingredient." He bellowed.
Then he left the room. Leaving an insulted snake.

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