106. Dementors are distributed

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The next morning, Harry was sitting with his friends at the Gryffindor table. Of course, he was already potholed from all sides. But he also saw relieved faces everywhere. Apparently, most were very happy that nothing had happened to him.
Flora and Puk had even fallen around his neck and Mimmy had almost taken his breath away. She was almost a second Hermione.
The vampire-sater's gaze wandered to the staff table and choked on his coffee.
"Harry, are you alright?" Hermione asked worriedly.
the boy nodded, coughing.
"I think Dumbledore's husband was serious about his threat. Look forward. "
All eyes followed those of Harry.
The director had just arrived at the teacher's desk. That was nothing special in itself. However, he was very stiff-legged.
Luna cocked her head.
"It could also have been a very intense night of love," she guessed.
Half the table looked at the girl reproachfully. Ron demonstratively put down his fork.
"Now even my appetite has passed. Please Luna, do not put such pictures in our heads. Especially not in the early morning. "
Harry had continued watching the director and now chuckled.
"No, I do not think he was so lucky."
Again, everyone's eyes moved forward. Dumbledore was trying to sit down as painlessly as possible. His expression suggested that he did not want to succeed.
It was not that which amused the boy so much. It was the visibly snappy comments of the teachers. Although he could not even hear with his fine senses about the noise of the hall, but the pictures were enough.
Harry quickly rummaged his clacker and opened it.
"Did he?" This question could only be read by his husband.
he had also noticed his copy when he noticed the vibrating of the coin in his pocket.
"Yes, he has," was the answer.
When the vampire counsel showed them to his friends, they burst into laughter.
Of course no one else knew what it was about, but they did not care.
The director threw accusatory and suffering glances to Severus and then to the cackling students. However, this had only the effect of the young people, that they now almost fell off the seats.
"Okay, what's going on here?" Dean wanted to know.
However, the students were no longer one.
At some point, Ron only meant.
"Professor Dumbledore's husband was a little mad at him."
Since no one knew until now that the headmaster was married, the news of course immediately made the rounds. Luckily nobody wanted to know what the old man's comic walk was like. Because neither Harry, nor Hermione, Ron Neville or Luna wanted to be so indiscreet and chat about the married life of their director. They already heard enough speculation for a full year.
After breakfast, Harry immediately went to Severus.
"And can we go to the Dementors right now?" He greeted him.
Severus nodded.
"You had a lot of fun."
"Yes, but we did not say anything about the punishment. And neither, who is the husband of our headmaster. the green eyed one assured.
"No, but everyone knows now that Albus is married."
Harry looked questioningly at his husband.
"Is that bad?"
He only shook his head.
"Not in the least. Then at least the school has another rumor. It will also speed up the Dementors attack faster. "
Harry looked around nervously on his way to the dementors' repository.
"I still can not believe he really did that."
Severus chuckled.
"We neither, but Minerva could not hold back. She had to ask. And listen and be amazed. The old cow has admitted it. "
"Oh, so I'm an old cow?"
They had just arrived at their destination where the director was already waiting.
"However, as I am the bat and Minerva is the crow." Confirmed Severus.
"Who's calling the good Minerva a crow, please?" The headmaster asked indignantly.
"The students," it was helpful from Harry.
"Really, my boy. You would not have expected something like that from you. "
the Vampirkater looked at the man helplessly.
"Why? Crows are resourceful, clever and sometimes terrifying. Are you just telling me that these characteristics do not apply to Professor McGonagall as well? "
The director stroked his beard thoughtfully.
"If you put it that way it's almost a compliment."
With that, Dumbledore opened the door and walked into the room.
Harry pulled Severus down a bit.
"You see, with a little effort you can justify everything," he whispered to him.
severus nodded and had to bite his tongue not to laugh out loud.
Then they followed the director.

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