A simple card game

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Ah-Si strode through the city for hours with a grumpy face. He had left the bridge battle with Lei and Shancai at Mindge all of a sudden before the game was over. He gave in. He definitely would have had won the game but strangely enough he didn’t want to settle things that way. If he had seen the game through to the finish would have meant to be the end of F4. His decision to win against Lei and Shancai would have had irrevocably destroyed their friendship and he would have had lost his first love the same way.

“I’m the biggest idiot in this whole universe”, he scolded himself.  All his thoughts were circling around Lei and Shancai. “Always Lei!” he spoke to himself loud. “I’m going crazy this way!”
“I don’t want to hate you, Lei, but you nearly force me to!”

He always had envied Lei, his closest friend, his soul brother. Lei with his beautiful innocent adorable face. Always confident with himself, not longing for others. Maybe besides Jing who had found a way to Lei’s heart. He envied him for this independency. He envied Lei for all what he himself was missing.

But Lei nevertheless had always stuck to him regardless how he had treated or teased him. When they were kids he used to take away Lei’s toys even to destroy them while struggling for it. He still felt guilty about that Spiderman incident. Once he had ruined the plastic figure more or less on purpose due to his own stubbornness.

“He always had accepted my bad moods without complaining. He has never done. He is like a brother to me, he knows me by heart. Why does he do this to me now?” He furrowed his brow till 2 dark lines appeared.  “Is this Lei’s big revenge for it?” he murmured on his way walking. “Does he really intend to take my first love off of me this way? How could he even dare, that son of moron!”
“This must have an end, at once! I must stop this damn game!”
He immediately turned and went back to his car to drive home.
When he finally arrived at home he found 2 of F4 sitting with his sister Zhuang in the dining room, drinking wine and chattering.

“What the heck are you celebrating in my house?” he yelled. It took some seconds till he was aware that Lei was missing:
“Where is Lei? I need to talk to him! Now!”
Zhuang facing Ah-Si directly showed a mysterious malicious smile whereas Meizuo’s and Ximen’s  cringy face expressions could been read as “We’re not here and we don’t know anything”.
“Hey Ah-Si where have you been?” Meizuo tried to soothe Ah-Si’s obviously raging temper.

“I want to know where he is?” Ah-Si yelled again.
“Well”, Zhuang began after a pause. “They went upstairs, it is better not to disturb them now” she added with a certain undertone in her voice.
Ah-Si’s eyes were about to pop out of his head. “What? They? You … mean … Lei…and … Shancai….together …in one room…? He stuttered while he was heavily gasping. “This is not true, this cannot be true!” He turned and stomped up the stairs by taking two or even three steps in one pace.
“Lei, I’ll beat you up.  I swear now you’ll be meat!” he bellowed on his way up.
He noticed a high-pitched giggling from afar. His body was tensed like a tiger shortly before he took his prey. Ah-Si rushed as fast as he could, opened one door after the other in a hurry – all rooms empty. “Where the devil are they?” Then there was the bell-like voice of Shancai saying: “Lei, when I make this move, you must simply follow” Lei answered with a sonorous laugh. Ah-Si became more and more furious, his heart nearly cracked out of his body, his blood swashed in his ears like ocean waves. He couldn’t make a clear thought anymore. He ran to the last door, kicked almost at it. Jumping to the bed, grabbing the duvet and tearing it away was one act. But!
The bed was completely empty.

“Hey Ah-Si, it took a long time” Lei spoke to him and then added while pointing to the bed. “Tell me, what exactly are you searching for? A green-eyed monster?”
Lei’s voice seemed to be miles away. Ah-Si’s face blushed from red to white, he felt himself blushing from head to toe. His body wasn’t far away from explosion. “Where is the hole, I can jump in” was his first clear thought.

“Uno” cheered Shancai delightedly out of the corner “I’ve won, I’ve won” and started giggling and laughing.
“Look we have found a funny card game called Uno. Come on, sit down and play with us. It’s much more fun to play Uno with several people.” Lei added with a gentle tone but grinning like a pervert.
Ah-Si rushed over to him and pulled him at his neck down from his chair threatening with his clenched fist. “Be warned, you bloody damn bastard, don’t dare to trick me again!”.

Author's note:
Hey, this ist my first try. English is not my native language, so please forgive lack of grammar and lack of suitable use of vocabulary. I follow the Idea of both adorable authors Dr-Cokebottles and @monicacantwrite of writing a prompt, which now I know what this is😁. Thanks to those who encouraged me in doing it.  I write for fun and for more creativity in my life.
Please let me know how to improve. Thx and Credit to owner of the pics

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