Moments of Regret (3)

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It took about 3 months till Ah-Si and Lei finally met. Lei stood in front of the bars at the arrival gate at Vienna airport till Ah-Si has made his way through the necessary passport controls.

Lei saw him at once when Ah-Si sauntered through the arrival gate. His tall handsome friend wore the dark long graffiti coat which Shancai had loved at him so much. Lei was wrapped into a light blue coat with a huge scarf around his neck. It was mid of January and it was cold and windy in Austria's capital.

Both men stood in front of each other for some seconds without a move just scanning each other with silent smiles till Ah-Si stepped forward opening his arms to embrace his old best buddy.

"Lei, my old friend, how I longed to see you!"

A smiling Ah-Si began to clap Lei's back. Then he grabbed both shoulders and pushed him away to face him.

"You look like a tenor from the opera with that scarf. Have you switched the genre from playing music to singing?"

Ah-Si joked as he always did, trying to break the uncertain silence that surrounded them after that long period of time they haven't seen each other.

"Long time no see, Ah-Si." Lei coughed a bit. "Sorry I've caught a cold when I went skiing with some of my fellow students a week ago and I still feel not so well. But honestly, bro, you look even worse than me. How are you?"

Lei was indeed worried noticing Ah-Si's pale face. His eyes showed dark circles and he obviously had lost some weight.

"What's up, Ah-Si, don't you eat enough? Doesn't Xiaozi take good care of you?" The same minute Lei had uttered that silly taunt, he felt guilty for being so insensible.

"Ayo, Lei, you do not imagine how she cares!" With an emphasis on "how" Ah-Si's sarcastic voice dropped down at the end in a hushed tone. Lei had stirred up a hornet's nest within the first minutes.

To act as natural as possible Lei took Ah-Si's bag and searched for the staircase which led to the suburban train for the city.

"Don't we go by car?"

Ah-Si asked quite astonished. Lei ignored him and dragged him and his luggage into the arriving train.

"It's the same as in Shanghai. At that hour especially on Fridays you'll get stuck into the traffic, it's more convenient with public transport."

The train was empty, they took a seat next to next in driving direction.

"I'm tired as heck," Ah-Si murmured and leaned his head against Lei's shoulder.

"Can I stay at your place, Lei?"

Ah-Si asked carefully with a begging voice. They used to spend the night in each other's room since they were little boys. And they still maintained that habit even when they were grown up. Lei side-eyed his friend and answered slowly:

"I'm sorry Ah-Si, but I moved in a students' home and I think my room and my bed are too small for us two. And probably it would get a bit too noisy there as everybody practises their musical instrument at home."

Ah-Si lifted his head and raised his brows. "You in a students' home? Honestly, I don't believe you! You usually hate the presence of others...Or have you met a girl there?"

Ah-Si clapped him again on his shoulder in an approving way. "No, not really," Lei denied grinning, "but there are a lot who loves me and I appreciate how they take care of me. Don't look so curious, I'll show you my room tomorrow, ok?"

"No problem, my assistant has booked a suite at an hotel which should be famous for its cake. It's to be found in the centre of the city. I forgot the name, just a second..."

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