Sacrifice or not (11)

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Xiaozi! Although Shancai had given her a forgiving hug she couldn't stand the whole meeting any longer. Her former friend's exclamation that she as wife of the Daoming heir wasn't obviously born to make her husband happy was too much for the tiny girl. Before Shancai completely lost her face, she jumped up and said good-bye all in a sudden before the rich Chinese heiress could tell some more stories about her married life. Shancai left the table in such a hurry that even Eliane sitting on a neighboured one wasn't able to follow her.

The tiny Chinese chef needed fresh air. She walked quickly out of that beautiful Art Nouveau building and started almost to run while holding back her tears, holding back her feelings. Instinctively she took the street southward towards the park of Louvre, stumped by the ancient Opéra without a look and followed in huge steps the Rue de la Paix which led her directly into the green. A green which had suffered and faded due to a long and dry summer.

She crossed roads without looking only trying not to bump into the frequent visitors let it be tourists or citizens. When she arrived at the gate of the park, her pace decreased taking the steps down to the sandy ways. She stopped relieved looking into the garden, now she gave her breath a chance to calm down again. There were a lot of benches but only those in sunlight were vacant. No matter she moved to the nearest to sit down. In front of her a small tree population forming a square with a kiosk inside selling icecream and cold drinks. Little children with their parents crossing.

She knew on her left side was the palace of Louvre and in southwestern direction she could eye the top of the Eiffeltower. She felt safe in the center of the city she has become so familiar meanwhile. Sitting in the sun she bowed forward and kept her head in her hands. 

What exactly had happened today? Since the party she seemed to have a huge overhang and she wasn't sure what to think about the whole day. She had been so happy after all, had reached a goal. Her name became known. She could afford a living, a living abroad. People were interested in what she was doing. Didn't XiaoZi said for some minutes how she envied the freedom Shancai had reached while the young heiress was imprisoned in a business marriage. Did she indeed use these words? Imprisoned?

Shancai's heart was aching, the shield she has been building throughout the past few years appeared to be too thin to protect her. Her eyes watered and she laid her right hand onto her chest. So sad, so lost, so many obstacles – always.

Her mobile phone vibrated. She didn't even look. No one should disturb her for the moment.

She had to get her thoughts in order to receive a clear sight again. People recognized her because of the name she has made for herself. Maybe she became so successful in order to only draw one's attention again. Why wasn't he attracted, why not Ah-Si, why must it have been XiaoZi who came by. Why couldn't he have come to say at least finally good-bye which both weren't allowed to do in the past in order to put things right. Wasn't that also Xiaozi's words? Didn't she say he Shancai's first love was working hard on it? Ah yes, the moment Xiaozi had spit out her husband's name was the moment Shancai stopped listening and had run away.

Her feelings played tricks on her and tears were slowly running down. Xiaozi had touched that wound, that never healing wound. "Oh gosh, how long will I torture myself that way, I'm grown up. Things aren't always working like I wish to."

She swiped over her cheeks with her sleeves of her shirt and let the warm sunlight of a late summer day caress her facial skin. The excited young woman noticed that the origin of the complicate feelings wasn't just about the touching of her lost love but also anger. She was angry on Xiaozi when she bubbled something about how she also admired Shancai for being able to magnanimously sacrifice her love. She was angry that she inhaled those hurtful yet intriguing words. She was angry on herself to still lose control so easily. Whatever Daoming Si was planning to do, if he was planning to do something, if he was even able to plan something, what's the matter with her now. He was far away and married whereas she was still spellbound by his mother. A diabolic mother who used to remove obstacles the moment they appear on Daoming Feng's way. Shancai didn't absolutely sacrifice her love! To sacrifice was meant to do something deliberately and voluntarily. Shancai instead was forced to leave her love. No choice left.

However, Shancai knew deep down inside that she could rise like a phoenix out of ashes. Weed could not be erased it would always find a way to survive. The comforting essence of her contemplating inner battle topped in a deep conviction: She, Shancai, the little weed was the owner of her life! She was her own creator and she decided to become such a giant obstacle anyone wasn't able nor even wouldn't want to remove, not now nor later by anybody!

She gasped deeply and took the phone to send a message to Eliane not to worry about her.

More satisfied with making up her mind the tiny blackhaired woman leaned back and watched the children who pushed toy boats with sticks around in a pond close to where she sat. She heard the cheerful sound of the littles and noticed a light wind on her face.

She closed her eyes to feel the rest warmth of the sun. Soon autumn would come, how long would there be the possibility to enjoy such a beautiful Sunday outside. Usually she laid in bed on vacant days when she was off duty.

Then she remembered she was off duty today, maybe Ywen would take her to another club tonight "Now more than ever I would like to go out", she stubbornly talked to herself.

Almost snoozing she noticed a shadow coming over her face. A shadow which wasn't caused by a moving cloud as it didn't move on and therefore she opened her eyes blinking.

A tall man stood in front of her forming the shadow with one hand.

"Hi Shancai, nice to meet you again so randomly. I didn't dare to dream about it." A manly voice talked to her. She made a shield by her own hand over her eyes to lower the contrast between sun and the stranger. Still blinking she tried to figure out who was talking to her. It was to be a tall handsome guy.

"Ah we met yesterday at the party." She finally remembered him as one of those models. What the hell was his name again?

"I'm Hu Ytian." As if he was aware that she had absolutely no clue about his name.

"Hi, nice to meet you too. What are you doing here?" she hurried to ask him and hoped that he didn't notice her feeling of being caught as if having stolen some cookies. That was the one she  had successfully tried to get away pretty soon as far as she remembered.

With daylight he literally appeared in a different light and she appreciated his handsome face. A little mole on top of his nose caught her attention and let her smirk. A man with such a mole, how cute she thought for an instant.

"I'm still here for some shooting, we already finished the park shots and are up to go to the Eiffeltower to take some more. Do you like to join us?"

Now she noticed his entourage in some distance. Two of them holding already phones on them. Two photographers,  several assistants for the cameras, stylists and some others with clothes and all the necessary stuff.

She opened her mouth to decline, wanted to say no as she still felt mad on what had happened some hours ago. But instead of "No" she heard herself agreeing to join him. It was as if a little devil on her shoulder with the innocent face of Ywen whispered in her ear: Do it!


Hi my lovely readers and followers, let me thank you for 2019, for sticking to me and my little stuff throughout an exciting year.

This is my weak attempt on "sacrifice". Not sure if this really make sense.

Tagging @dr-cokebottles @JVh624 @rainingmeteors @zazounette86 @meggyhashope

Still not finished with the second list. Still undecided to stop or to move on. Still begging for merci for very likely mistakes.

Wishing you a very Happy New Year 2020.

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