Interlude (6)

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It was one of the first warm days in spring when they had left the hospital and they decided to sit outside on the pavement of Le Café de Paris in the ancient city. Ah-Si drank his 3rd cappuccino to get his head free. Zhuang tapped on her younger brother's hand when he had finished with his report.

She tapped in comprehension and empathy with her left hand and with her right she pushed the carafe of water towards him and she stated: "I see you're still loving her." Followed immediately by her sisterly advice to drink more water to get the rest of the sedative out of his body.

"I never got the possibility to say goodbye to her or to explain the situation." He spoke clearly and concentrated though his body was still suffering from the happenings shortly before.

"And now I got a chance after almost endlessly two years to see her but she went away without noticing me at all. Tell me Zhuang what have I done to deserve this? Was there a fairy who spellbound me at my birth? I struggle and struggle but I don't come along. Everything seems to run through my fingers. I feel close to her and yet she is so far away. I even have no real idea where she lives. And maybe she has forgotten about me. This guy...," referring to the man at the airport. "You know...," he stuttered.

"I don't think there is a man in her life. When I think of her, I can see her standing in the rain outside of our house starving while you lay in your warm bed. She's been so exclusively on your side. Of course, time is a factor that shouldn't be neglected. But, no, not with the Shancai I got to know. I'm rather sure of that," she wanted to comfort him and Ah-Si took his sister's words gratefully in. She has always understood and supported him although her methods usually had been strange and also exceptional but they never failed.

Zhuang continued her constant tapping: "Good things come to those who wait in the end. And the next member of board meeting will be your break through. You remember I spoke to two of our main shareholders who want to hear about your business plan. Are you sure that you'll be able to face them tonight? We'll meet at the restaurant at 6.00 in the evening. But," now she tapped with her index finger on his arm: "No alcohol for you, please, not until we'll have finished! Promise me!"

Zhuang's phone rang and she answered shortly.

"Luckily the French police has a heart for lovers. Wang Li could convince them that you were hit by a sudden attack of jealousy and they closed your file without further actions. Tian a," she sighed and raised her eyes to the sky with her arms following to praise the Lord. "This is solved at least."

In the evening a well-dressed Daoming Si appeared with his adorable sister followed by his assistant in that tiny restaurant Zhuang had chosen for the appointment. They came very early and Zhuang meddled with Ah-Si's tie on his neck subsequently she tore him with the words: "You still look so pale" to the restroom and forced him to put a foundation on his face.

He called in vain for Wang Li to save him, the addressed one commented merely very dry "It's all for the business" followed by a "Jiayou" with lower voice heavily avoiding not to show the slightest smile. He liked the image that there existed a person who was allowed to dominate his smart boss who normally acted cool and dominating as well. While Ah-Si kept complaining about being treated like a little brat his sister showed a mild motherly expression to underline his words and Ah-Si finally stood still to get the make-up done by her.

"Good boy," she said when she had finished - triumphantly gazing at him in the mirror, "that's better, that's my handsome little brother, come on, let's go now."

When the guests arrived, the following hours were dedicated to Ah-Si's EYD framed by a delicious five-course meal. Zhuang was very pleased with her choice of this tiny 2-star restaurant in the heart of Paris. She was sure that an exquisite meal would improve their prospects of succeeding. Her brother's presentation supported by Wang Li seemed in fact to have convinced both board members and Zhuang sighed imperceptible when they assured the Daoming siblings their votes with great applause for the youngest Daoming heir.

After saying goodbye to their important guests, the three cheered up and hugged each other and Zhuang ordered a bottle of champagne to celebrate their success. After one glass of champagne Wang Li who was really tired after the actions of this long day also left the restaurant to leave the siblings alone for a last chat.

Zhuang was now sitting in front of Ah-Si with view to the wall. She fished a mobile phone out of her bag and put in on the table in front of his rather content looking little brother. "I have something else for you," she started with a meaningful timbre in her voice. "I've found what you were searching for, I'm quite sure." She held still her palm over the phone. Ah-Si couldn't follow her, he didn't need another new phone. Wang Li had already replaced his phone which was to be broken during his little fight at the airport. What was he supposed to do with a second one?

To answer his unspoken question literally dangling above her younger brother's head, she continued: "I've got some common western communication apps installed." "You mean...."

'Now he got it. He is still so cute,' she thought, 'it's so nice to see him waking up. He is so smart, but when it comes to his emotions, he is an outspoken idiot.'

"Yes, that's exactly what I mean. I have found that ominous cooking blog you told me about for short."

He wanted to grab the phone now, yet she kept hold on it. "Wait, I want to tell you something in advance," knowing that he like a little impatient child would no longer listen to her when he would have taken the gadget.

"You cannot find it under >Meteor Garden<, it's in French! It's called >Mon Jardin Secret de Météors<! What could the French language mean? Ah-Si?

It's on Twitter or was it Facebook? Ah I don't remember, ah, help yourself and look," and she put her hand away. Ah-Si sitting on the bench still waiting for that moment like a cat waiting in front of a mouse hole was immediately pouncing on the phone, his arm rushing forward like an arrow to get hold on to it. Zhuang watched him for a while when he was searching through the apps and then her eyes went to the pictures above Ah-Si's head on the wall. He obviously hadn't listen to her previous question as he didn't react.

"The chef of this restaurant is quite good looking," she blabbered. "I think I should contact him. His way of cooking is refreshing and amazing." She hesitated for a longer moment but then moaned: "Tsts, I've seen this picture somewhere before not long ago, I'm sure, but where? Could it be on the blog site?"

Now Ah-Si who instinctively reacted turned his head to look what his sister was talking about. Above him were several photos – on each the same man dressed as chef was shown together with different celebrities. Ah-Si opened his mouth and pointed with his index finger on the pictures while his new phone fell down and he shouted filled with indignation: "This is exactly the man who had dared to  kiss my girl at the airport!" 

Author's Note:

Thank you all again for reading. That's a chapter that doesn't work on the current prompts so I decided to go on without tagging.

But it could also fit to the previous chapter of "Missed opportunity", if Zhuang had mentioned that she had booked the chef's table, which had to be cancelled by the restaurant (chef on his way to Frankfurt). There a picture with the current staff including Shancai would have to be seen.  But I thought it'd be too much. What do you think?

Please accept my apologies for my mistakes, I'm no native speaker.

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