The Signing hour (10)

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The weeks between the launch of her book and the signing at the department store went by in a haze. So many appointments, shows and special events that she forgot where she had been the day before.

Very slow she got used to be recognized on the street. When this happened and people wanted to make selfies with her, she still reacted surprised and shy. Initially she even went away because she was convinced that they couldn't have meant her. She felt uncomfortable and it needed some time to make her accept that she has become a popular person, a person of public interest.

The number of those situations increased and sometimes it wasn't only her who'd been photographed but also her acquaintances she was with. Since the incidence with Tian Ye she took care of her body language not standing to close to her fans. But it was also Ywen, her newly engaged agent, who encouraged her to meet other people, especially male people.

Su Ywen has entered her life to organize and arrange her events and she probably took it for duty to take care also of her social relations. Su Ywen won Shancai's confidence within a moment. Beautiful and intelligent as she was Shancai admired her instinctively for her straightforwardness. Speaking the same language and above all being born in the same hometown both young women with almost the same age, were able to build immediately a friendship. "Believe me, just listen to what your older sister recommends," she who perhaps was at best 2 years older than her tiny client used to answer at Shancai's usual hesitating expressions when she offered her some new occasions. "Leave these things to me, I'm the marketing specialist." Shancai literally waited for this phrase before she nodded and agreed to most of the things Ywen offered. Shancai trusted her however she kept her own story secret. But Ywen was a bit like a power bank for her, she showed Shancai how to enjoy life again beyond her work.

Having studied in Paris Ywen was very familiar with the city, she knew the best places to eat and dance, have a drink or just to hang around. Ywen got quickly acquainted with everyone, spoke several languages, was very open-minded, interested and rather curious. She was one of those characters who needn't to ask as people voluntary told her quite everything about their lives and made friends within few minutes. When sitting next to her Shancai always wondered amused how Ywen's amazing witchery worked.

"I will take care also of your private life. I will find you a boyfriend." Ywen determined after a while. Shancai instead was more or less threatened by this statement, she didn't need one nor did she want one. But let herself be torn by Ywen out of the kitchen on a late Saturday night to make her join a party together.

"Oh, please don't tell me that you're waiting for Mr. Right, do you? You're still so young. What a waste of time. You're always busy working. Mr. Right or Mr. Wrong, just give him a chance to meet you. You need to go out and enjoy what life will present you!"

"Where do we go?" There hadn't been much variety in Shancai's life up to then, therefore her curiosity was awaken, "but I'm not dressed up for a party." She stated a bit frustrated looking down on her chef's clothes. Ywen handed her a bag with a  huge smile showing her perlywhite teeth. Shancai put a black and white silk dress out of the bag and held it against her, she was delighted. Ywen looked very pleased at her. "It's one of my shortest. I was quite sure it will fit you. There are also pumps in the bag. You have the same size as me. Hurry up, it's late already. They wait for us."

"Wait? Who? Who knows that we are coming?" "Truth to be said, I've already been there. It's an aftershow party. Vogue France had a photo-shooting today where I helped in organizing Chinese models. When I incidentally mentioned you being also Chinese, they wanted me to pick you up at once. Let's go! A bunch of handsome tall Chinese actors are waiting." She closed with a sharky  grin.

Ywen didn't lie. Shancai has been immediately taken to the dancefloor by a tall handsome young man who presented himself as HuYtian. He tried to explain about his future projects but when Shancai told him that she wasn't able to watch Chinese TV in France the chat was cut within a second. The intense sound of the music made a conversation rather impossible. She didn't want to talk anyway but loved more and more to move her body to the hot salsa rhythm which was played by the DJ. It seemed that Mr. Hu didn't want to let her go for the rest of the night, but she could escape him after a while. Soon others tried to stand a chance with her and therefore she was dancing through the rest of the night till Ywen stopped her with the words: "Tomorrow is your signing hour you have to go now!"

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