Chapter 64.

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Zane looked back at Delphine, as if he knew what she was saying to him, but didn't question her further.

"You will not only become the leader for our people Ana. You'll become their Queen as well." Delphine's voice sounded clearly in my mind and I turned back to face her in surprise.

"I'm not sure I want to be their Queen Delphine. Im not prepared for that." I replied.

"I know you're torn child. Make your choice and follow the path you're set upon. Should you choose it, your fate is to lead and join both of our people. I've seen it."

My brows rose and I inhaled shortly. "H-how?" She stared back at me and waited patiently for me to comprehend her words  My hand dropped to my stomach but she only stared back. "You've seen me become Queen."

She nodded once.

"Whichever path you choose, you will have to hurt someone. What matters is what your heart and mind are both telling you. But you should know...should you choose Zane and decide to accept the crown, your life will have difficulties. War will return and we will all have to be called upon once again to defend our home. So, if you choose Ehren, we will still be back here to defend against the war to come." Her words rang firm in my
mind and I sat for a moment, trying to absorb my choices before me.

I turned to face Kora and Fallon and gave them both a small smile before standing to my feet. The early morning sun was beginning to cut through the skyline surrounding us and a quietness was slowly settling over the room as the wounded settled down to rest. The aides began to draw the curtains shut as the vampires around us watched the room slowly begin to lighten.

Kora walked over to me and placed her arm around my shoulders, pulling me in closer to her side. "Do you want to try one more time before you go?" She asked quietly.

I nodded once, breathing in deeply as I pulled my focus. I called my energy forward, willing it out of my body on a wave and sending it out in front of me in one movement. A swirling golden cloud spread out in an instant around the entire room in front of me, enveloping everyone in the beds and wrapping them up in it before healing them completely. I smiled as I saw each individual begin to stir and inspect their wounds. I'd done it. Just as Delphine had said. I'd healed the room in one one simple will of my strength.

"I think it's time we all get some rest. It's been a very long day and only more will follow." My father said solemnly, returning my focus to the group surrounding me.

I gave a simple nod and turned to make my way out of the room alone. The beds lining the path began to chatter and cheer as I slowly walked down the aisle, giving a small smile to each of them as I made my way out of the room and down the hall.

I could hear their footsteps behind me, but I just needed a moment alone. I knew my friends and family wanted to speak more with me. I knew Zane and Ehren deserved answers from me. But I just couldn't give any of them what they were needing right now. In this moment, I needed peace. I needed to sit with my thoughts, sifting through my powers as they continued to unveil themselves to me. Most of all, I just needed to breathe.

I stepped into my room and closed the door slowly behind me, leaning back against the thick wood as I listened. I heard footsteps come down the hall, pausing between the two doorways before finally entering through Zane's door.

I focused, trying to search for him, listening, until finally I found him. I could hear his thoughts clear as day.

"I don't deserve her. Not after what I've put her through. Even though she's carrying our child, I have no claim on her. I can only hope that she finds her way back to me...somehow. Although, I don't see how she ever could. Not after what I allowed to happen to her. It's all much. Even for someone as strong as her. She deserves the world, and I gave her mud. I gave her pain. I gave her...death. How could she possibly see any future with someone who caused so much harm to fall into her life? Why would she?"

Hearing the pain twisting through his thoughts pulled at me. I felt that familiar stab prick my heart as it twisted along with his. He knew above all else that I needed time. This had all happened so quickly. I had prepared myself to die, and now here I stood, alive, in one way or another. I'd gone from no future at all to two possible lives now laid out before me.

I walked into the bathroom and removed my tattered clothing, trying to push Zane's sorrow from my mind, dropping them to the floor as I turned on the shower and letting the warm water begin to fill the room with steam. I slowly faced the mirror, looking over my now healed and transformed body. I still looked like me, but it seemed that I now had something...more. Like my powers and immortality were surrounding me in a glow, simmering just beneath the surface.

My skin was completelybcovered in dried blood, both my own and that of those I'd fought or helped. As I stepped into the shower, the water slowly turned a faint red as it ran down my body and pooled at my feet, before finally running down the drain. I let the hot water run over my head, surrounding me in a veil of water as I thought back over the events that had led us here.

"How do I make this choice? How do I plan for a future I had all but given up on not even a day ago? Ehren loves me. I know he does. And he's somehow managed to piece me back together bit by bit. But one tiny piece was always missing."

I let out a hard sigh as I ran my fingers through my slowly cleaned hair.

"...the piece of me that would always belong to Zane."

Ehren's kind eyes flew into my mind, followed by his gentle touch. How he helped me. How he healed me. But then flashes of my time with Zane flooded my mind, crashing into each thought like a wave colliding against the cliff.

How could I make this choice so easily?

My hand fell to my stomach, my fingers caressing against it as I breathed in the warm thick steam as it swirled around me. This was no longer about me, or what I wanted. I had to think of my daughter. I had to think of her future above all else.

But right now, I didn't want to think at all.

I stood in the shower for what felt like an eternity, intentionally clearing my mind thought by thought, memory by memory. I let each sweep of the soap rinse away not only the filth from my body, but also the pain and sorrow from my mind. Right now, I just needed to heal myself. I needed to mend each broken bone and bruised muscle. I willed myself to heal, pushing out the sadness and pain as I held on to one strong and resilient thought.

My daughter would never endure the pain I did. Her life would be her own, and she would be free to live as she saw fit rather than used for political gain or as a chess piece in the game of life.

She would have a bright and brilliant future...and she would forever be mine. And I would always be hers.

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