Me and my little empowering secret

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There's nothing worse than feeling fat the morning after a binge eating session that lasted two full episodes of Game of Thrones. And I'm talking about the long episodes.

As if that wasn't enough, my favorite pants had stopped trying. You know the drill; one foot in, other foot in, do the pants dance and then, all of a sudden, and, might I add, totally uncalled for, you feel your jeans rip.

Staring at my behind in the reflection, I see my blue underwear with yellow stars peaking through. A sigh escaped my lips as I did the reverse pants dance.

No, I did not regret eating an entire pint of Ben&Jerry's after I'd already eaten a large pizza and some popcorn. How could you regret eating delicious caramel flavored ice cream with chunks of chocolate and caramel swirls? Exactly, impossible. Nonetheless, the loss of my dearest friend hurt me. That pants and I had made it through some great times.

I still remembered the first time we met. It was love at first sight. My butt looked great in those dark blue pants. We went to concerts together, we hooked up with cute guys and had shopping sprees with my friends.

"Sadly, my friend, we must part ways now. There will be others but they won't be you," I sighed as I dropped my ripped pants on the floor.

Drama before breakfast. Who would've known the day would start so emotionally? I sure hadn't.

Not only did I change my pants but also my underwear. Seeing those stars on my buttcheeks were a turn off. I needed to feel a little sexy after that pants incident. Nothing a little lace couldn't fix. Even though nobody would know I was wearing them, I'd still feel a little more comfortable with them. Me and my little empowering secret.

"Hmm," my brother greeted me when I finally came downstairs to get breakfast and head to school. Either that or he was having a conversation with his cereal. He doesn't believe in 'good' mornings, so usually he grunts something every morning to acknowledge my existence.

"Hmm to you too," I replied, grabbed an apple and went outside. I hated running late and because of my pants funeral I decided to skip breakfast.

At school, nobody would notice if I were late or if I was panting and sweating because I'd been in a hurry. They wouldn't notice that I wasn't wearing my favorite jeans or my stomach being angry with me because I'd skipped breakfast. Everyone minded their own business, yet everyone acted like the world revolved around them.

Near my locker, I found my two best friends. At least they would notice something. Or so, I would think.

"No-o-o-o-raaa", my friend Ian sang. He was always happy and his smile was contagious. Milly was occupied with doing her hair but greeted me when she was finished.

"Why so glum, buddy?" Ian asked while shaking my shoulder.

"Me? Glum?" I acted as if I had no idea what he was talking about.

"Did something happen?" Milly asked, suddenly very concerned.

"I had a funeral this morning," I sighed, "short and private but very emotional."

"What?? Who died?" Milly asked with a high-pitched voice. A few people looked at her while passing.  Her big brown eyes were filled with worry and it seemed as if she hadn't noticed people staring.

"My pants ripped," I told them dramatically. Okay, I was definitely milking this situation. I was already over it and didn't feel bad at all.

"Fuck off, Nora, you scared me to death," Ian yelled with his hand resting on his chest.

"Yeah, you should've seen your faces. So worried," I laughed.

"Next time you tell us something serious, we're not going to believe you," Milly teased.

"Please, we always believe her," Ian rolled his eyes.

With a smug look on my face I walked to my first class of the day. Slowly but surely, my classes would suck all the energy out of my body and replace my soul with emptiness. That's how most kids roamed the halls; like zombies, trying to cope the best they could in these boring circumstances. Ah, high school, where fun comes to die.

The nerds were all panicking and sweating because of some test they had next period. Their lives would crumble and fall if they would get a B and pain and despair would fall upon their families. Or so it would seem, considering how they were behaving.

I didn't really belong to any group. I pretended that the social hierarchy didn't exist  for me and my friends but the truth was, we were probably dangling somewhere in the middle. Too cool for the nerds but not nearly cool enough to hang out with the popular people. And we liked it that way.

There was a loud bang against the lockers but nobody really cared except for one nerd who almost pissed his pants because he was concentrating so hard on getting his books and running to the next class. The rest of us knew that it were only the jocks. They were rugby players and apparently that meant tackling each other regularly, even when they weren't playing sports. I imagined many brain cells had exploded that way. But hey, at least they always seemed to be having the time of their lives.

I sighed in relief after the last class. I'd survived yet another day. Milly called after me and almost collided with me because I'd stopped walking so she could catch up with me. Apparently she hadn't expected that.

"Oops, sorry!" she said, slightly panting from the slightly faster walk she'd been walking to catch up with me.

"No problem," I shrugged. "How was your day?" I asked.

We stared at each other for a few seconds before we burst out laughing. Yeah, we both weren't the biggest fans of high school but at least we could still laugh with ourselves to keep the sanity at bay.

"How was your day," she repeated while wiping an imaginary tear from her face. "The day is about to start, my friend! Wanna go get some coffee?"

"I'd love to-"

"But? Oh no, why is there a but?" Milly interrupted me with an exaggerated frown on her face.

"But I already have horrible plans. I'm meeting Sam for our bio project," I sighed. Oh, how I loved working in a team especially when you don't get to choose your partner.

Remember those tackling jocks with the missing brain cells I talked about earlier? Sam was one of them. With his brown hair and dimpled cheeks that only came through when he flashed one of his playful smiles, he was the dream dude for many cheerleaders.

There was definitely nothing special about him. My theory is that a jock uniform makes people hotter. I don't fall for that. And why did they love his hair so much? It was a shit-colored mop of hair. Just like mine. Nothing attractive about something shit-colored, right?

"Oh, you lucky bastard. He's so hot," Milly told me. Apparently he wasn't only a dream dude for cheerleaders. Poor Milly had caught the virus too.

"Yeah, I'm so lucky, he's probably gonna dump all the work on me," I pouted.

"You don't know that..." Milly told me but I could tell she didn't believe a word that was coming from her mouth.

"At least he's hot," she shrugged. As if that would make everything better.

Just as I was saying goodbye to Milly, I noticed a shadow looming over me.

"Hey! You ready?" Sam asked with a happy glint in his eyes.

"Sure," I said. Trying to get to his level of enthusiasm, but failing miserably.

"Cool if we hang at my place? It's walking distance," he suggested. His eyes focused on my face, waiting for a reply.

"Okay," I uttered.

Exactly that moment, I really missed my favorite pants.


Ahh first chapters are always such a challenge! I hope you liked it and make sure to leave a comment :)

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