Hand in the cookie jar

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Nora had told me it wasn't a big deal and that I shouldn't worry about it. She told me to keep my mouth shut as much as I could.

Did she not know me? Did she not know how I have the need to fill every silence with stupid remarks?

It was time for her family dinner and I'd picked something to wear. I'd texted Nora to ask what to wear but she hadn't texted me back yet. In fact, we hadn't really talked much since our night out.

It confused the hell out of me. It had been such an awesome night and I knew for a fact that she had fun.

Maybe it was because of the kiss? Maybe she felt awkward or maybe she regretted it and didn't have the guts to tell me so it seemed easier for her to just ignore me?

I wish she wouldn't. I was really freaking out about this family dinner. At least it would distract me from that kiss the other night. Had I been just as aggressive as the dude that kissed me? It was quite impulsive of me. Had I misread the situation? Did she feel violated?

At first, I thought she had initiated the kiss but the more I kept thinking about it, the more doubt crept into my mind.

"Nora, we're leaving!" I heard Nora's mom yell from downstairs.

I'd talked to her parents before but those were brief moments. I hoped they wouldn't see right through me.

I rushed downstairs because I didn't want to keep them waiting.

Neil was already waiting in the car with his earbuds in and entertaining himself on his phone. I had a feeling that there would be little support from Nora's brother today.

"You look nice," Lydia, Nora's mom said.

"Thanks," I replied and went to the car. Was I overdressed? Damn it, Nora, where the fuck were you? I needed her standby but I had a sinking feeling that I would have to do this on my own.

The car ride was silent. Luckily the radio was on because I had to urge to talk but I'd managed to keep quiet.

After twenty minutes that seemed to be lasting for an eternity, we arrived.

"This is fucking stupid," Neil muttered underneath his breath right before we walked into the restaurant.

"We'll get through this," I whispered so his parents wouldn't hear. Neil gave me a look and then rolled his eyes.

We got seated near a window that would cause enough distraction if things got too awkward. It was hard to believe that Nora came from a family that lacked so much warmth.

Although her mom seemed to be doing her best but nobody really paid attention to her efforts. I felt bad for her.

Nora's dad somehow managed to get a newspaper and he was reading it. As if he was at home on his couch on a nice afternoon instead of in a restaurant with his family. I guess it was his passive way of saying that he wasn't interested in small talk.

Neil copied his behavior. Not with a newspaper but with his phone. A part of me hoped he'd run out of battery soon.

"So, Nora, how's school?" her mom asked politely.

"Eh, fine, I guess. I've been nailing my calc homework so that's nice. Ian and Milly make school more interesting than the classes. I mean, yeah fine," I answered before I wanted to hit myself. In the head. With a frying pan. Twice.

Short answers, Sam. 

"Oh, you're still friends with them? Good for you," Nora's mom said with a tiny smile on her face. 

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