Writing fortune cookies for a living

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The ice cream called to me and I had no choice but to obey it. Okay, to be honest, I was very hungry and I would've eaten anything that would cross my path.

Sam was looking like the love hearts emoji and I was relieved I wasn't the only one acting like a moron.

I didn't even know how we ended up going to this place. We'd been working on our projects and we were nailing it, might I add. When I wanted to go home, he lured me back in with the promise of ice cream. Was this kidnapping? Kidnapping but not actually against my will.

I didn't mind. Sam seemed less jocky than I'd imagined. Most of his braincells were still intact, but I'd never admit it to him. It's not like we would still hang out after the project was finished. He had to remain with the jocks and the horny cheerleaders and I would go back to my beloved Ian and Milly.

So I figured let's make it fun while it lasted.

We ordered our ice cream and were sitting on a bench eating them. Why? Because Sam couldn't walk and eat at the same time. Big baby would get a tummy ache.

"Oh man, this is so good," Sam exclaimed right before he was about to shove the last bit of ice cream in his mouth. I hadn't even finished half of mine.

"Really? Did you actually taste it or just shoved that up your facehole?" I asked dryly.

"I tasted it..." he said, looking caught, "I was hungry, don't judge."

"Yeah me too, I might've ordered too much," I said. Holding my hand against my belly.

"Are you gonna finish that?"

"Yes! It's mine! I'll get there, don't worry. Just not as fast as you," I laughed. If he noticed the double meaning, he didn't say anything about it.

"Let's walk it off," Sam suggested the moment I'd finished.

"Ugh, how about a nap instead?" I moaned. I'd eaten way too much ice cream and Sam had actually laughed at my brain freeze.

"Don"t be lazy, you wanted to see the circus. Again," Sam said playfully, using my own words against me.

"You're such a poop," I rolled my eyes and got up with a big groan. I stretched, making my back crack and shrugged as I noticed Sam's worried expression. This was nothing new to me.

"You're definitely not. You sounded like an eighty year old," Sam laughed.

"Shut up," I said, failing to hide my smile. "Ooh, look! That's the one thing Milly and Ian didn't want to do with me last week," I said with a pout and questioning look in my eyes.

"I understand why," Sam replied, ignoring my puppy eyes. They never worked on anyone. Not on my friends, not on my parents and apparently, not on Sam.

"Aw come on, it's for fun, you don't have to take it seriously," I grinned sheepishly.

"What's in it for me?" Sam smirked.

"You'll... know your future?" It was a weak argument and we both knew it.

"Let me make you a deal. If we do this, you're gonna be the one buying me ice cream next time," Sam shot me a grin, feeling proud of his deal.

"Next time?" I asked. Like what, a date? Stay in your lane, Sam.

"Yeah, next time. We haven't finished our project yet," Sam answered.

I felt stupid even thinking that he'd want to date someone like me. Not that I was interested. I would've said no but it's good for the ego to at least get asked.

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